In the Land of God

Blessed Ngoe
1 min readDec 12, 2023


© Blessed Ngoe: The Wailing City

In a distant place, not too remote,

within the crescent of the Eastern sky,

they whisper of an ancient land,

where the footsteps of the divine did lie.

In this sacred soil, omnipotent God,

molded the dust into human form.

Yet the creation bore a tool of strife,

and from then on, the land was torn.

From that place, not far away,

echoes mournful cries of mothers weeping.

For their innocent babes, once lively and gay,

now lie amidst the ruins, forever sleeping.

Cannons roar and rockets blaze

In the name of God’s multifaceted grace.

The powerful cling to their arrogant ways,

Sating their thirst for blood in this dreadful place

Amidst the inferno’s consuming flame,

Young faces wear anguish, a heavy shroud.

In that distant land, they play a deadly game,

toying with life, with hearts unbowed.

The shelling, the bombing, the cries of despair,

claiming the lives of these tender offspring.

My heart weeps for the deep agony they bear,

and God, who set this stage, sits silent, pondering.

In that land not far away, we see

humanity’s folly, like a game it’s played.

As the world burns in ruthless glee,

God, like us, remains indifferent, dismayed.



Blessed Ngoe

Blessed is a budding scholar of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is the author of the novel, Walls to Bridges, and several poems.