Decentralized Production is a subproject by that helps to turn small YouTubers into stars.

3 min readJun 29, 2018

DP connects bloggers with media specialists (directors, cameramen, editors, etc) and producers in order to increase the content quality and hence grow bloggers channels which will make them more attractive to advertisers.

This is how Decentralized Production works: bloggers create profiles and upload 3 videos that they consider their best work. Media specialists register and provide their portfolios. They can rate bloggers’ videos according to their professional competencies (editing, lighting, etc) and offer bloggers their help. Bloggers can ask them for help as well. This can be paid workshops and lessons or media specialists can also be hired as a part of blogger’s team.

Moreover, there are producers on the platform. They look for perspective bloggers to make big “stars” out of them. Producers help them find direction for development and understand which media specialists they need.

Often bloggers are unable to pay for their development. This problem is solved by crowdfunding. Investors can register and join crowdfunding campaigns. By doing that they temporarily own a part of bloggers’ advertising rights proportionally to the size of investment. Therefore, they will profit on the money that bloggers get from advertisement placement.

Let’s look at how DP is beneficial for each of 4 types of users on the platform. Bloggers bring the content quality to the whole new level because they get educated by professionals. That can happen even for free if interested investors have been found.

For media specialists it’s a source of extra income. It could be occasional wages or even consistent salary, depending on the type of collaboration with bloggers and its conditions. Producers develop professionally and get paid for doing their job. Investors use Decentralized Production as a new investment tool and they can profit really well because the demand for advertising with bloggers is growing day by day.

If you are a small blogger interested in professional development you can join Decentralized Production right now because it has officially been launched! It’s at a testing stage right now. That’s why investors are found for each participant. There already are bloggers who have joined the project and started working with producers and media specialists. We will keep you updated with the result of their collaboration.

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