3 min readJul 4, 2018


YouTube has become more popular than TV in some countries and keeps getting more and more popular. Bloggers have become a new generation of celebrities hence both big famous brands and small unknown firms want to sign advertising contracts with them. However, only a few advertising agencies work with bloggers right now. We know that out of about a thousand agencies in Moscow only 15 do so. But if bloggers are so attractive to advertisers why aren’t agencies so willing to deal with them? Let’s break it down.

The main reason why agencies are not excited to work with bloggers is because it’s a lot of manual labour. First thing that agency needs to do is to select bloggers suitable for a particular client. Of course, these are not random bloggers but those ones who are talking about the client’s product or something similar in their videos. But how to find them? YouTube doesn’t provide functionality for that and there seems to be no other service on the market. Therefore, agency must search for bloggers manually. Can you imagine how much time it normally takes? The answer is obvious.

And do you know what takes even more time? The next step that every agency has to take — contacting bloggers and getting their statistics and prices. Bloggers who have more than 20 000 subscribers get a lot of offers every day so their inbox is full. They can’t check every email and answer straight away. But agency needs to wait until every single blogger replies. Only after that long process which definitely requires a lot of effort a commercial proposal for a client can be prepared.

And if you think that this is the end of the agency’s struggles you are very wrong. A client always expects an outstanding result. But bloggers are not media professionals and they are usually unable to produce quality advertisement. That’s why agencies have to create production centres inside of them in order to work closely with bloggers and increase the quality of their advertisement.

As you can see, advertising with bloggers is long, complicated and very laborious process for the advertising agencies. Moreover, many bloggers who would potentially be interesting for advertisers, are left out of this scheme just because agencies are unable to cover the whole market and they focus on those bloggers who are a part of their production centres (which makes sense).

The only way to involve more agencies into advertising with bloggers is to completely automate their business process which will make their work fast, productive and convenient. understands all the main problems of advertising agencies and prepares decisions which will help to solve them. More details you can find in our next article.




Connecting players of bloggers native advertising market