3 min readJun 22, 2018


The term of native advertising

Native advertising makes it possible to create content aimed at attracting potential customers more efficiently. The peculiarity of native advertising lies in the fact that it is embedded in content. In other words, it is often content itself.

Historical background

Native advertising occurred in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, the Americans started producing popular products such as soap, cigarettes, etc. At the same time, they launched a strong national advertising campaign aimed at attracting buyers. This campaign included the use of different advertising styles among which was ‘native advertising’. The rise of radio and TV made native advertising extremely popular in the 20th century. Nowadays this style is widely used in all types of mass media. The term ‘native advertising’ was introduced by Fred Wilson at the Online Media, Marketing, and Advertising Conference in 2011.

Advantages of native advertising and the most suitable ways to place it

Traditional types of advertising are nowadays not as popular as they were before. The advertising which contains a call in to purchase a product is not efficient, especially in the USA and EU countries. Native advertising is a lot more effective since it is subtler. Actually, it is not recognized as advertising. As a result, banner blindness doesn’t occur.

One of the best ways of native advertising is with opinion leaders, especially YouTubers. These leaders are true influencers as they cover a huge audience. Thousands of people trust them and follow them. It is relatively easy to use native advertising on YouTube and is definitely effective since YouTube is a lot more popular than traditional TV in the modern world.

The market depth and prospects of native advertising growth

According to eMarketer, 84% of market experts in the USA will launch a native advertising campaign with opinion leaders within the next 12 months. Pursuant to Hookit which estimates the effectiveness of advertising for sportsmen, the cost has made up to 44 billion USD in 2017. As per Mediakix, expenditures on advertising through Instagram bloggers are nearly 1 billion dollars now. They are expected to double in 2019.

According to the Russian social network Vk.com, the advertising market in thematic groups was 100 million dollars in 2013 and grew up forty times in 2016. And the further growth is expected. Famous companies such as Microsoft, Skyscanner, Burger King, IKEA have also started widely using advertising on social media.

There is now a lot of trust in bloggers. A special program of cooperation with opinion leaders was started on Amazon.com in 2017. According to the report of Google and Wildberries published in 2017. Customers go shopping not to buy a certain item but to seek inspiration. But they also refer to Youtube and Instagram in order to find inspiration.

To conclude, it is necessary to say that native advertising is rapidly gaining popularity. It will be one of the most widely used advertising styles in the near future.

Information source:

https://www.pressboardmedia.com/a-brief- history-of- native-advertising/




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