On mobilization

A message from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club

Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club
2 min readMar 5, 2022

On March Second, students at UNT took part in a counter-protest aimed at the universities allowance of an openly transphobic political candidate holding a speech on “criminalizing child transitions".

The protest, while successful in halting the meeting from taking place, was met with violence from campus police, which resulted in two known student injuries.

In the ensuing days following the protest, conservative campus groups have engaged in a concerted effort to repair their loss through the lens of conservative, and alternative news outlets. In these outlets, figureheads have espoused unfounded accusations that the John Brown Gun Club organized the protest.

This is demonstrably false. These figureheads have attempted to brand student opposition as "Antifa cells" to cloak in naivety the realities of their fear of opposition. One needs to look no further than the campus police, UNT president, and openly-fascist group's statements to find their inability to reconcile the lack of leader or organizer to their opposition.

When the so-called debate in settler-colonial legalities branches to the dismissal, marginalization, and criminalization of one’s existence, it is the responsibility of all to fight back. These students answered the call to defend their friends and community, and demonstrated that the will of existence will not bend to neither cop riot nor administrative acceptance.

In solidarity,



Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club

Promoting and assisting marginalized communities in organizing multiracial community defense against white supremacy / fascism.