Cardio workout routine — exercise at home

EFLT-Online academy
4 min readJul 5, 2018


When someone mentions cardio, you can think about the need of run, but do not rush to draw conclusions. Most people have distorted views on cardio workouts. No matter how you feel on treadmills and morning jogs, leave it all behind. A good cardio workout plan in combination with strength training is ideal fat burning exercises and effective method for build a great shapely figure — which, of course, includes perfect glutes.

The whole point is to determine what exercises will lead you to the goal most quickly. Hint: Treadmill and other similar methods is another marketing step on which you will have to working a lot to achieve results. In the course of long experiments on my body, I found for myself an effective method of cardio training for fat burning and body shaping. My plan is divided into 3 stages and can be done at home without any equipment.

1. Body overclocking (entering the cardio training mode).

Each training always begins with a warm-up. Simple rhythmic cardio exercises like jumping, running on the spot, and stretching all parts of the body. Obviously, this is necessary in order to prepare yourself physically and psychologically for intensive full body workout. Our body is a very complex system and there are many chemical processes in it, which we cannot see, but which we can sense. When we begin to do light cardio exercises (jogging, jumping, intense stretching), our body is understands that now it is necessary to change their chemistry in accordance with the situation. Thus, preparation for cardio workout routine takes place.

My warm-up exercises before cardio workout:

  1. Toe Reaches (30sec)
  2. Lunges (60sec)
  3. Bridge (30sec)
  4. Mountain Climber (60sec)
  5. Burpees (30sec)
  6. High Knees (60sec)
Full body cardio workout routine — Stage 1

2. Increased body load

After our body is overclocked and ready for cardio workout routine, need to gradually increase load. Now you are ready for any cardio exercises. The body begins to improve after you say “I can not anymore”. After these words, the main work begins. You must give maximum load to your cardio system. The following exercises help me with it:

  1. High-Knee Skips
  2. Burpees
  3. Jog On The Spot (with periodic acceleration)
Full body workout routine — Stage 2

Hint: do not take breaks, as the workout state is lost. You always need to support dynamics. If there is no strength to continue an exercise, replace it for a while with exercise with a lower load, but do not stop.

3. Working with the mass of your body

At this stage, we combine cardio workout with strength exercises. This is what gives the maximum effect, but not without the two previous stages. We do not need barbell, dumbbells and other. The mass of your body is the ideal mass for strength training. To work with the mass of your body, you need to add 2 more exercises to the list of the previous stage:

  1. Pushups
  2. Squats
Full body workout routine — Stage 3

I did not specifically indicate the count of cycles since this parameter should be chosen by each individual for himself. Lean on your ability and goals. The advantage of these simple exercises is that in the right combination they effectively develop your cardio system and shape figure. At the same time there is no need to visit gym, or buy expensive equipment.

P.S.: For those who are interested in fitness training at home, I recommend studying the course “Way of the warrior. Step 1”. It perfectly combines workout training with martial arts study program (Kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA). Program is available from June 29, 2018.

Other advantages and “Before-After” photos of students you can find on the official website of the course:
View details + Discount 5%

Way of the warrior. Step 1: Base technique

