summer waits

edh lamport
1 min readMay 25, 2018
Image from Comfreak via pixabay (modified by user)

Down tick the
dandelion clocks
spinning these hours into
buoyant, billowing threads
trailing golden webs across this
slumberous revelry.

Winds toil and
sweep, weaving their tales beneath
the chicory blue sky, where
tangled fields lie, wild and waiting.

Ceaseless this sonorous thrumming,
unsilent this subtle ocean where
green and fragrant waves break
on forest shores.

Languid collusion of warm skin, kissed
by sunlight slipping in through
shadowed leaves.

Your face, sleeping
under sheltering trees.

Afternoon storms roll, and
the days drift
ever on.



edh lamport

Defying the laws of physics to encapsulate myself in this tiny box with nothing but an alphabet.