Tying Shoelaces: A Metaphor for Life and Growth

As I walked the dog, I reflected on what it is I do and how to explain it to people. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a powerful tool. I can teach it, hold space for it, and ask the questions that get things moving. People often say I seem to be in their head, speaking their thoughts. But it’s not about me always being there; it’s about supporting you, facilitating you, believing in you when you don’t believe in yourself, and constantly seeing and feeling your potential, knowing it’s possible.

This made me think of tying shoelaces. There was a time for all of us when that felt hard, even impossible. For a long time, others did it for you, or you had slip-ons or Velcro to make life easier. At some point, though, most of us learn. Often, there will be a person who does what I do — they know it’s possible, they’ve been there before you, and they understand your hardships, the difficulties, the feeling that you’ll never get there. They stick with you, giving you the space and time, reminding you, nudging you, trying different ways until finally, you can do it. You keep on doing it, and soon you can’t believe it was ever an issue. That’s what I do. I help you get to that place.

Randomly, as I was remembering who taught me to tie shoelaces, I recalled she was only a year or two older than me. We lived on the same street and sat on the pavement outside my house. She just stuck at it with me, full of the belief that I would get there. I am still grateful for her patience, time, and dedication to my success when I was a frustrated little one. I haven’t seen her since I was probably about eight, which was a long time ago, but I’ll never forget her teaching me that skill. The funny thing is, just as I thought about this, she drove past me! It felt like a sign that this is definitely worth sharing.

Who Taught You to Tie Your Shoelaces?

Can you remember who taught you how to tie your shoelaces? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments!

The Danger of Untied Shoelaces

Watching my son play football, I always worry when I see a player with untied shoelaces. It makes me think of how some people choose to ignore their problems, thinking it’s not a big deal. Yet, just like untied shoelaces, these issues can trip us up. What simple steps can you take today to address something you’ve been avoiding?

The Shortcuts We Take

Have you ever noticed how some teenagers prefer to squish the backs of their shoes rather than take the time to untie them? It’s a shortcut that leads to more frustration. Similarly, in life, avoiding small tasks can create bigger problems. How can you simplify a task today to prevent future frustration?

Preparing for Success

Imagine setting out to win a race with your shoelaces untied. It sounds absurd, right? Yet, we often push forward in life while ignoring obvious obstacles. If we truly want to succeed, we need to address these basics first. What ‘shoelaces’ do you need to tie up to ensure your success?

Tying Your Laces Before You Roll

The first time you put on roller boots, or even if you’re experienced, you ensure your laces are tied. It’s clear that problems will arise if this step is missed. Just like entering a new phase in life, ensuring you have the basics covered is crucial. My sessions are designed to help you identify and address these fundamentals, so you’re better prepared for the journey ahead.

A Personal Story of Patience and Support

I remember learning to tie my shoelaces with the help of a friend who was just a year or two older than me. She patiently stuck with me, believing in my ability to succeed. This is the essence of what I do — offering patience, support, and belief in your potential. Who has been that supportive presence in your life?

As for myself, I have used EFT extensively to make both radical and small changes in my own life. More and more, I find myself approaching everything differently. I am a work in progress, always keen to use what I teach for myself. This journey of self-improvement and transformation is ongoing, and EFT has been a crucial part of it. The realisations I have and the shifts in perspective are proof of its power.

Let’s Tie Those Laces Together

Just like tying your shoelaces before a run or roller skating, addressing the basics can prevent bigger issues down the line. If you’re ready to tackle those obstacles and set yourself up for success, I’m here to help. Let’s take that step together. What’s one thing you’ve been putting off that you can address today?

Stay Connected

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Feel free to send me your requests for tapping script ideas. I’m always open to suggestions!

Free Yourself from Stuck: Guided Tapping for Positive Change

Watch my guided tapping video to help you move forward and embrace positive change: Free Yourself from Stuck: Guided Tapping for Positive Change



Rebecca Martin https://www.rebeccamartineft.com/

Certified EFT Practitioner, passionate about supporting people to release trauma and limiting beliefs and reclaim their lives. I used to identify as a teacher!!