Developing Chatbots Using Ruby

Yegor Chsherbakov
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Ruby makes the development of chatbots quick and easy. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using Ruby for chatbot development with code examples.

In the world of modern technology, chatbots have long become popular. They provide a convenient and efficient way to automate communication with users.

One of the programming languages used to create chatbots is Ruby. Ruby offers numerous tools and libraries that make chatbot development fast and easy.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of using Ruby for chatbot development with code examples.

Advantages of Ruby for Chatbot Development:

  • Simplicity and Clarity of Code: Ruby has a user-friendly and understandable syntax that makes the code easy to read and comprehend. This is especially important in chatbot development, as the code needs to be easily maintainable and extendable.
  • Large Community and Libraries: Ruby has an active developer community that has created many useful libraries and frameworks for chatbot development. For example, libraries like “Telegram Bot API” and “Slack Ruby Bot” provide a simple and convenient way to interact with popular messaging platforms.
  • Support for APIs and Web Services: Ruby has powerful support for working with APIs and web services. This allows chatbots to interact with various web applications and services, opening up broad possibilities for automation and integration.

Example of Developing a Simple Chatbot in Ruby Using the “Telegram Bot API” Library:

require 'telegram_bot'


bot.get_updates(fail_silently: true) do |message|
puts "@#{message.from.username}: #{message.text}"

case message.text
when '/start'
response = 'Hello! I am a Ruby chatbot.'
when '/help'
response = 'I can help you automate communication.'
response = 'Sorry, I don’t understand your request.'

bot.send_message(chat_id:, text: response) if response

In this example, we use the “Telegram Bot API” library to create a simple chatbot. The bot receives messages from users, processes the “/start” and “/help” commands, and responds with appropriate messages. If the received message is not a command, the bot sends a response saying, “Sorry, I don’t understand your request.”

Example of Developing a Chatbot in Ruby Using the “Slack Ruby Bot” Library:

require 'slack-ruby-bot'

class MyBot < SlackRubyBot::Bot
command 'hello' do |client, data, _match|
client.say(channel:, text: 'Hello, I am a Ruby chatbot!')

command 'weather' do |client, data, _match|
# Here you can add code to get the weather from an external API
weather = get_weather()
client.say(channel:, text: "Current weather: #{weather}")

In this example, we use the “Slack Ruby Bot” library to develop a chatbot that works in Slack. The bot responds to two commands: “/hello” and “/weather”. Upon receiving the “/hello” command, it sends a greeting message, and upon receiving the “/weather” command, it calls the get_weather() function, which retrieves weather information from an external API and sends the result to the chat.

Ruby offers a variety of libraries for chatbot development, and you can choose the one that best suits your project. In addition to “Telegram Bot API” and “Slack Ruby Bot”, there are other libraries like “Discordrb” that allow interaction with the corresponding messaging platforms.

In conclusion, developing chatbots in Ruby using various libraries provides you with broad opportunities for automating communication and integrating with different messaging platforms. Ruby is a powerful tool that ensures code simplicity, an active developer community, and API support, making it an ideal choice for creating chatbots.

