Grape: A Powerful Framework for Building APIs in Ruby

Yegor Chsherbakov
2 min readJun 19, 2024


If you are involved in developing web applications or APIs, you have probably heard of Grape — a powerful framework in the Ruby programming language. Grape provides developers with tools for quickly and conveniently creating APIs and has rightfully earned its popularity in the developer community.

module V1
# Base API class
class Api < Grape::API
version 'v1', using: :path

mount Budget
mount Backend

Grape is a minimalist and lightweight framework suitable for creating both simple and complex APIs. It is built on the Ruby framework Sinatra, making Grape even more appealing for developers already familiar with Sinatra. The main feature of Grape lies in its simple and intuitive structure. It offers developers a set of declarative DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages) for defining routes, resources, and API parameters. This allows developers to quickly and easily create efficient and flexible APIs.

One of the main advantages of Grape is its clarity. It provides a simple and understandable way to define routes, handling all types of HTTP requests such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Additionally, Grape has built-in support for various data formats, such as JSON and XML, making it an ideal choice for creating RESTful APIs.

require 'grape-swagger'

# Root API class
class RootApi < Grape::API
format :json
prefix :api

helpers do
def premitted_params
@premitted_params ||= declared(params, included: false)

mount ::V1::Api

add_swagger_documentation \
host: ENV.fetch('SWAGGER_HOST'),
doc_version: '0.0.1',
base_path: '',
mount_path: '/v1/docs',
add_base_path: true,
add_version: true,
info: {
title: 'Grape API',
contact_url: 'https://localhost:3000'
array_use_braces: true

Grape also possesses powerful data validation capabilities. With Grape, you can easily declare and validate request parameters, which helps ensure data integrity and increase the security of your API. You can also use extensions such as Grape::Entity to simplify the process of data serialization and representation.

But that’s not all! Grape offers a plethora of options for configuring and extending the functionality of your API. It supports authentication and authorization mechanisms, extendable plugins, request filters, and much more. You can also integrate Grape with other useful gems such as ActiveRecord and Grape-Swagger for additional flexibility and convenience.

In conclusion, Grape is a powerful and flexible framework for building APIs in Ruby. It features a simple syntax, ease of use, and a rich set of functional capabilities. If you need to create an API for your web application, Grape is an excellent choice for achieving efficiency and flexibility in development.

