😥 Are You Feeling Disappointed? Here is Why: Buyer’s Remorse [DO NOT IGNORE!]

7 min readSep 20, 2021


You desire to sell a product with a really high-profit margin to your customer. This is, of course, a very realistic goal of success!

However, do you know the critical point: will your customer regret it after purchasing it? If you want to study methods to prevent this, keep reading this article!

Today, you will be learning buyer’s remorse. What is buyer’s remorse? If a customer regrets the product he/she bought from you, this feeling is called the answer to this question.

Buyer’s Remorse
Buyer’s Remorse is not even the last thing you want to see, it cannot be!

Let’s go, shall we?

“The best customer service is if the customer doesn’t need to call you, doesn’t need to talk to you. It just works.” — Jeff Bezos

When you understand this article, you will learn:

🔥 How to present excellence in advance.

🔥 How to give communication data within one day.

🔥 How to establish expectations.

🔥 How to convey a thank you note.

🔥 How do you introduce people to each other?

🔥 How to spread the positive energy.

Has your customer suddenly stopped buying your products or has not come to your shop again? You have probably come to the end of the professional customer-seller relationship you have been operating on for months.

We are sorry if your customer regrets purchasing your products. So what can you do to prevent this from happening? First, discover what Buyer’s Remorse is and comprehend your enemy properly.

A customer often feels remorse when they buy an expensive product. This feeling of regret, which is blended with fear and stress, may end with the return of the product (refund).

This regret may also be related to the disappointment of your product. In addition, how you treat your customers is likely to be one of the reasons causes of this problem. If you care about your company, your people, and the people who feel and experience your outcomes, then you crave to know what is next.

Want to know the best part: buyer’s remorse, which usually starts a few days after purchase, can be easily prevented by you! Are you ready? Let’s get started considerably.

1 — Present Excellence in Advance

Those who support you desire to feel and make sure that you are not only looking after them through a source of money. This is more than just a trade.

From this point of view, prove that you respect the personalities and preferences of those individuals. The most effective way to prove this is to personalize the sale!

Premium Content: 11 Keys To Effectively Personalizing Sales And Marketing Copy

You can prepare special sales packages for your customers (souvenir mugs — the name and surname of the relevant person should be written on that item, souvenir pen box — the same method, electronic souvenir goods, bonus checks and so on).

The way to achieve a higher customer lifetime value is to strengthen your customers’ loyalty to you with this method. When you genuinely appeal to the customers’ interests, it is felt by them.

Reflect your sincerity in your offers and contracts. Let your word be gold. Their possibility of regrets will decrease significantly. The next station is the communication data itself.

2 — How to Give Communication Data within One Day

You sold your product; you achieved your goal. The buyer bought the product he/she demanded from you. Momentarily it is over. NEVER THINK THAT WAY!

Prepare your welcome, pre-sales and post-sales emails with care and provide data to people who love your brand where they can see who can reach them at what stage.

Provide direct phone numbers, personal email addresses (in addition to business email), personal cell phones (in addition to business phone), blog pages and social media platforms in your welcome emails.

Bonus Content: Best Onboarding Practices

Useful Content: Welcome Email

Reassure individuals who value you that your employees will be able to get back to them within a reasonable time and that you will solve their problems. If necessary, just do not avoid the high costs of this job and introduce your employees to masterful training on customer relations.

This way, your customers will never feel alone; they will learn how your products are used, they will understand how your products appeal to their interests, and they will be hesitant to give up on you.

3 — How to Establish Expectations

After a shopper buys your product, explain briefly and concisely what he or she can expect from you, your team, the product and your company, verbally and in writing.

Guide your customers with documentation that explains how your payment systems work, how the invoicing process is operated, and other related procedures.

The most important point here is not to deceive the customer. If your product is incompetent at something, do not show it; however, at the same time, do not behave like that deficiency is not occur.

Clearly state what problems your product will solve in people’s lives and silently address your shortcomings. If a customer is confident that the product they buy will benefit them, then the chances of disappointment will be reduced to almost zero.

How to prevent buyer’s remorse?
How to prevent buyer’s remorse?

4 — How to Convey a Thank You Note

I am not talking about expressing your gratitude on the phone or in person. Do you want to leave a lasting impression? Send a thank you letter as soon as possible. The palest ink is stronger than the sharpest memory.

Bonus Content: Thank You Letter Templates

In this letter, show your customer how much you appreciate and welcome them for choosing you and trusting your product. Make sure to write and sign your note with handwritten accompaniment. Personalize the note!

Thank you letter
A thank you letter (Hubspot, 2021).

5 — How Do You Introduce People to Each Other

Utilize systems where your customers can share content to introduce themselves to other people who use the same or similar products and to obtain user-generated content that will provide direct visitors to your website. The technology platform called TeknoSeyir, which uses one of these systems, is progressing very successfully in this field.

User groups of different products meet each other and fruitful friendships will be formed. Customers can learn tips and tricks from each other. Now, this point is important below!


HEAR ME: clients who have great experiences with your company and products will increase your reputation even while you sleep, spread your brand, and enable you to appeal to potential customers as your customers are the most real references for people who have not yet purchased products from you.

What is buyer remorse
What is buyer remorse?

6 — How to Spread the Positive Energy

You understand their concerns, persuade them to be loyal to you, understand why they choose you, and you are ready to meet them with your new products. Pass the information you get to your production team!

Let your production team re-refine your products with information obtained from customers. Create buyer personas with all the information you have (emails, agreements, phone numbers, addresses, invoices and so on).

Take care to create a complete customer profile. Make sure that the people in your team, who take care of your customers from their financial accounts to their problems, are equipped with training on the basis of merit.


Answer your employees’ questions, address their needs, and understand their goals and expectations tied to their career plans. Remember, the more you bridge the gap between expectations and reality, the more you impress your customers.

To deliver a consistent and productive experience, do not let your customers experience errors and mental attrition. It is very tricky to know when a customer will regret your product. Always take care of them and solve their problems without excuse.

In this article, we discussed how to prevent buyer’s remorse. Thanks to this content, you learned:

🌠 How to provide a great value

🌠 How to share love

🌠 How to bring customers together

🌠 How to determine expectations

🌠 How to set up an effective communication to have new leads

🌠 How to present an excellent experience


Before you go….

❗❗❗ You can read this article: 5 Steps To Starting a Small Business Online [HOW TO START A BUSINESS ONLINE] | Final Part ❗❗❗

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