All about $SNC Tokens

2 min readJul 27, 2023


Greetings from Callista World!

Are you new to Selvyn’s Nodule Coin (SNC)? Let’s clarify what SNC is all about in this article!

🥚 Basic information

SNC is the utility token which is serves several purposes, such as:

  • Swapping SNC to XP to level up Eggs/Dragons.
  • Serving as EggForce’s main currency for purchasing items and NFTs.
  • Purchasing SNC Boost Item, NFT Land (WIP), and Dragon Habitant (WIP).
  • Trading to CSPR or other cryptocurrencies on CEX/DEX in the near future (Expected: Q4/2023)

More info:

  1. SNC has already been implemented and exists within the EggForce Product on the main-net.
  2. SNC is minted or produced through hatching Eggs, with the System/Selvyn generating and distributing SNC every 2 hours. For instance, you can check the channel #callista-watcher on our Discord, where you’ll find 155.29341 SNC produced.
  3. When SNC is claimed, the System automatically converts it to Egg XP, which helps to level up of Eggs.

👻 Why Casper Network?

Now, let’s discuss why we need to issue $SNC Tokens on Casper Network!

During customer support addressing, we acknowledged the demands from users that:

  1. Users would like to withdraw SNC directly to their Wallet
  2. Users would like to trade / buy SNC
  3. Users would like to purchase in-game items automatically via their SNC

Implementing an on-chain CEP-18(ERC-20) token will enhance transparency and technical aspects as we’re building a blockchain-based product.

🐉 The progess of SNC

Regarding the progress of SNC until now, we spent almost one and a half years for R&D on Tokenomics. Our aim is to publish the first version in August 2023.

On the technical side, we have already issued the CEP-18 (ERC-20) Smart Contract on the test-net (LINK). After finishing the Dragon Drop Feature, we will integrate it with our current system. The first feature we aim for is that users can purchase XP Boost and Dragon Habitant via SNC.

We understand that having a utility token does not necessarily imply that it has been listed on centralized or decentralized exchanges (CEX/DEX). Listing is one of the methods to offer advantages such as fund raising, increased liquidity, and expanding the audience and adaptation.

With SNC Tokens together with exclusive NFT utilities, we are striving for excellence and make EggForce an outstanding NFT project on Casper Network.

Together, we’ll go to the moon!


If you need any further information or assistance, feel free to contact us via:




EggForce is a story and community-driven, high quality hand-drawn Egg NFTs collection on Casper Network.