[Public Round] Egg NFTs Utilities

3 min readJul 15, 2023


Pause for a moment, brave souls, and let us introduce you to the mystical Callista World of EggForceNFT.

EggForceNFT, the AAA high-quality hand-drawn 10,000 Egg NFTs collection, now unfolds its story. We aim to create an engaging and immersive NFT experience for collectors and blockchain enthusiasts by integrating the unique features provided by the robust Casper Network into Callista World, bringing outstanding utilities and sustainable value to Egg NFTs — which are demonstrated through the following mechanisms:

  1. Egg Hatching and Merging mechanisms
  2. Dragon hatching mechanism
  3. Branding mechanism/Customized NFT Collection

🥚 Egg Hatching and Merging mechanisms

The groundbreaking Egg Hatching and Merging are the most outstanding features in Callista World.

The Hatching feature was built based on the Staking feature of Casper Network, which means egg owners (Hatchers) can hatch their eggs and level them up by staking $CSPR with EggForceNFT’s partnered Landlord Validators. This process aims to form a unique bond between collectors and their NFTs while contributing to the development and strength of Casper Network.

The Merging feature takes the Egg NFTs experience to a new level. We aim to create a more thrilling gameplay experience through this feature, empowering Hatchers to merge their eggs to increase their XP and level up their eggs without any delay. This, in turn, unlocks new possibilities, enhances the value of Hatchers’ NFTs within Callista World.

Both of these mechanisms allow Egg NFTs to evolve over time until they transform into Dragon NFTs. This is a clear indication that Egg NFTs are dynamic NFTs with dynamic metadata.

Moreover, the longer the Hatching time, the more valuable it becomes as Hatchers receive rewards from staking with Validators, XP points and other rewards during the staking $CSPR process with Landlord Validators and participate in events in Callista World.

On the other hand, the Merging mechanism serves as an NFT burning mechanism, reducing the supply over time and increasing the value of the remaining NFTs in the market.

🐉 Dragon hatching mechanism:

Egg NFTs have four levels: Rock, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Upon reaching the Platinum level, Hatchers can hatch a Dragon from the Egg.

The rarity of Dragon NFTs is divided into three tiers: Elemental, Rare, and Legend. The rarity of the dragon received by Hatchers depends on their hatching experience and luck.

🎫 Branding mechanism/Customized NFT Collection:

Hatchers have the opportunity to receive exclusive benefits from Landlord Validators and brand collaborators working with EggForceNFT. These benefits could include limited edition Egg NFT collections or even customized eggs upon request, enhancing the personalization and ownership experience for their owners.

Additionally, there will be limited edition Dragon NFT collections with unique utilities owned by brand collaborators with EggForceNFT project.

More information will be updated in Q3/2023.


the story of Callista World and its Dragons, created by the holy Selvyn tree, is another exceptional feature of EggForce’s Egg NFTs. The story is crafted from real-life events and the choices made by Hatchers, emphasizing the importance of “your decision matters”.

With the unique utilities offered by Egg NFTs and the ongoing developments from EggForce in partnership with Casper Network, there’s no reason for you to hesitate in joining us, brave souls!

Together, let’s fly to the moon and become a part of the future of blockchain and NFTs!





EggForce is a story and community-driven, high quality hand-drawn Egg NFTs collection on Casper Network.