Abigail Bae (Hecht)
1 min readDec 20, 2015


My college professor brought up the topic of gun laws in class once and basically asked for opinions on gun laws. I spoke up in class just pointed out lower crime rates in other countries that outlawed guns. A student got angry over this and objected by saying that banning guns doesn’t make crime go away and that people will just use knives or other weapons to harm each other. Which I guess is a logical rebuttal, but he completely missed my point since I never stated that banning guns would get rid of crime. Then other students chimed in saying that it is much easier to get away from someone with a knife than someone with a gun. Anyways, my main point is that there will never be an agreement on gun laws unfortunately and there will always be people who get angry and say ignorant things towards others that have different opinions than them towards gun laws. Especially in America, where people have always had the right to bare arms, it’ll be nearly impossible to suddenly take that right away from people, but I definitely do feel that guns are very scary and they unfortunately fall into the wrong hands too often.



Abigail Bae (Hecht)

Content creator and writer. UW Tacoma graduate in Art, Media, and Culture with a focus in Literature. Culture, gaming, and ‘cute stuff’ enthusiast.