Dark Gradient: +10 Color Inspiration

Dark Gradient Background Samples

2 min readJun 3, 2018

Dark gradients are beautiful. I think you agree with me. Yes, dark gradients are beautiful.

But which is the best? Check my collection and give you a decision.

Here is 10 Gradient Color Inspiration:

If you want more, visit the page

1. Jack Dorsey’s Stock

#380036 > #0CBABA

2. Fraudulent Election

#0D324D > #7F5A83

3. Presentation Excitement

#233329 > #63D471

4. Tax-free earnings

#A71D31 > #3F0D12

5. Someone Else’s Tie

#28313B > #485461

6. Lie Detector

#2A5470 > #4C4177

7. Unloved Teen

#1E3B70 > #29539B

8. Witness

#000000 > #923CB5

9. Labor Worker

#2C3E50 > #000000

10. Broken Guitar

#000000 > #A55C1B

11. Dark Pink

#000000 > #E84393

12. Expensive Art

#958E69 > #000000

13. Whale House

#000000 > #130F40

You can visit our page to review all gradient collections.

