What is Artificial Intelligence and How Does AI Work?

Alex J
10 min readNov 14, 2023


what is artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a type of technology that’s changing our lives in many ways. It affects how we work, play, talk to each other, and even how we have fun.

This article looks at some of the most interesting parts of AI, especially in how we use it to chat. You might have heard about apps and chatbots that talk back to us using something called GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformers). These tools are a big part of why people are so interested in AI.

AI is like a smart helper in our computers and phones that is getting better at understanding and speaking our language. The best chat apps using GPT are now so good that talking to them can feel like talking to another person. They are changing the way we use technology to communicate, making it easier and more natural to have conversations with machines.

· Defining Artificial Intelligence
· Artificial Intelligence: The Mechanics
· Components of AI Programming
· The Importance of Artificial Intelligence
· Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
· Categories of AI
· Types of Artificial Intelligence
· AI Technology Examples
· Applications of AI
· Augmented Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence
· Differences between AI, machine learning and deep learning
· What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
· What is Machine Learning?
· What is Deep Learning?
· The Relationship Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
· Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence
· AI Governance and Regulations
· History of AI
· AI Tools and Services

Defining Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a part of technology that tries to make machines think and act like humans. When people ask, “What is artificial intelligence?” they want to know about machines that can do things we usually think only humans can do, like solving problems or understanding languages.

AI works by using something called machine learning, which helps machines learn from experience, and algorithms, which are sets of instructions for solving problems. This is how AI systems can do things like understanding spoken words, recognizing what’s in pictures, or figuring out how to solve puzzles.

So, the main goal of AI is to create machines that can perform tasks that need human intelligence. This means they can learn, make decisions, and understand the world somewhat like humans. For example, “AI photos” might show how AI can look at a picture and recognize the faces or scenes in it just like we do.

In short, AI is all about making machines smart enough to do the kind of thinking and learning that humans do.

How Does AI Work?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, works by using special computers and programs that are designed to learn and solve problems. Here’s a basic rundown:

  1. Programming Languages: To build AI, developers use programming languages like Python, R, Java, C++, and Julia. These languages have special features that make them good for creating AI.
  2. Training AI: The main thing about AI is that it learns from examples. For instance, to make a chatbot that talks like a human, you would feed it lots of conversations. This is called training data. The AI looks at this data, finds patterns, and uses these patterns to make decisions or predictions in the future.
  3. Applications: A simple example of how AI is used could be a chatbot that can chat with you or an image recognition tool that can recognize and describe objects in pictures.

So, when we talk about how AI works, we’re talking about how it uses data to learn and how programmers use certain tools and languages to build it.

Components of AI Programming

AI programming is about teaching computers to do things that usually require human intelligence. Here are some of the key parts:

  1. Learning: This is like how you learn in school. AI gathers information and makes rules (algorithms) to understand and use this information to do tasks.
  2. Reasoning: This is when AI picks the best rule to use for a task to get the right results.
  3. Self-correction: Just like how you learn from your mistakes, AI checks its work and fixes errors to get better at what it does.
  4. Creativity: AI can also be creative! It can create new pictures, write stories, compose music, and come up with new ideas.

How AI Can Change Our Lives

AI, or artificial intelligence, can really change the way we do things. It can do jobs that people used to do, like sorting through lots of papers or giving businesses helpful information.

AI is especially good at jobs where you need to be very exact and do the same thing over and over again. For example, it can look through lots of legal papers quickly and accurately. This is because of machine learning, which lets AI learn and get better over time.

Also, there’s something called generative AI that can create realistic text, pictures, music, and more. This is great for schools, advertising, and designing products. It also includes things like chatbots and AI that can talk, which are getting more popular in lots of areas.

Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


  • Great at details: AI is really good at tasks that need a lot of attention to small details.
  • Saves time: It can quickly handle jobs that involve lots of data.
  • Saves effort: It reduces the need for people to do repetitive tasks, so they can do other important work.
  • Boosts productivity: AI helps produce more work in less time.
  • Consistent results: It does things the same way every time, which can be very reliable.
  • Personalized service: AI can make customer service better by adjusting to what each person needs.


  • Costly: Setting up AI can be expensive.
  • Needs experts: You need people who really understand technology to use AI well.
  • Might be biased: If the information AI learns from isn’t good, AI’s decisions won’t be good either.
  • Limited flexibility: AI usually can’t switch from one kind of task to another without new programming.
  • Job impact: AI can do tasks that people used to do, which might lead to fewer jobs for humans.

Even though there are challenges, the possibilities that AI, especially in learning and adapting by itself, are really exciting.

Types of AI

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a smart technology that can be split into two main types: weak AI and strong AI.

Weak AI: This type of AI is made to do just one specific job. For example, Apple’s Siri is a weak AI because it’s mainly designed to help answer questions and follow voice commands.

Strong AI: Also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), this type of AI is much more advanced. It can think and learn like a human. Strong AI can use what it knows from one area to solve problems in another area all by itself. This makes it really good at handling new situations that it wasn’t specifically programmed for.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are four main types of AI, and each one is a bit different:

  1. Reactive Machines: These are basic AIs that can do specific tasks but they can’t remember anything from the past. They just react to what’s happening right now.
  2. Limited Memory: These AIs can remember things from the past to make better decisions in the future. For example, a car that can drive itself might remember the routes it has taken before.
  3. Theory of Mind: This type of AI is more advanced and can understand emotions and social interactions. It’s like how humans can tell how others are feeling.
  4. Self-Awareness: These are the most advanced AIs. They have their own consciousness and understand themselves. They know they exist, just like humans do.

AI Technology Examples

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in various types of technology. These include advanced automation, machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and self-driving cars. AI is also crucial for generating text, images, and audio. AI is also important for creating text, images, and audio.

Applications of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found its way into numerous markets, including healthcare, business, education, finance, law, entertainment and media, software coding and IT processes, security, manufacturing, banking, and transportation, to name a few. This is largely due to advancements in machine learning techniques, automation technologies, and robotics.

Augmented Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence

When we talk about AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, there are two main types to know about: augmented intelligence and autonomous intelligence.

Augmented Intelligence is like a helper for humans. It uses AI to make products and services better by finding important information quickly. This type of AI uses something called deep learning and neural networks to work efficiently.

Autonomous Intelligence, also known as AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), is more like the AI you see in movies. It can think and act on its own, and might one day be smarter than humans. Some people think AGI could lead to a future where AI is super powerful and beyond human understanding.

So, when you hear about AI, it could mean either helping humans with augmented intelligence or working on its own with autonomous intelligence. Both use smart technology to do different things.

Differences Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and deep learning might sound like the same thing, but they’re actually different. Let’s break it down:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): This is a big idea in technology where we make computers do things that normally need human intelligence. For example, solving puzzles, recognizing faces, or understanding what someone is saying.
  2. Machine Learning: This is a part of AI. It’s about teaching computers to learn from experiences. So, instead of programming a computer every step, you let it learn by itself after seeing lots of examples.
  3. Deep Learning: This is a more specific type of machine learning. It uses something called neural networks, which are a bit like a simplified version of our brain. Deep learning helps computers learn from huge amounts of data.

These ideas are all about making machines smarter in different ways, and they help us in many parts of technology today.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a part of AI (Artificial Intelligence) that helps computers get smarter on their own by learning from data. It’s like how you learn from your experiences or what you read in books. Here’s how it works:

  1. Learning from Data: Computers look at lots of information (data) and learn patterns or rules from it.
  2. Getting Better Over Time: The more data they see, the better they get at figuring things out. If they get new information, they adjust and learn from that too.
  3. Used in Many Tools: Machine Learning is used in lots of different tech tools to make them work smarter.
  4. Accuracy Depends on Data: The quality of what they learn depends a lot on the data they start with. If the data isn’t good, the computer might not learn the right things.

It’s important for people who make these computer programs to keep an eye on what the computers are learning. This is to make sure they don’t pick up any wrong or biased ideas.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a special kind of computer learning that’s a part of a bigger field called machine learning. Imagine it like a brain made of computer parts. Deep learning uses something called neural networks, which are like layers stacked on top of each other, to learn from lots of data.

These layers help the computer learn step by step, kind of like how our brain works. As it goes through more and more data, it starts to see patterns and understand things better. So, the more information it gets, the better it can recognize and sort things out.

What’s the Connection Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a big idea that involves computers doing things that normally need human thinking, like understanding languages or recognizing faces.

Machine Learning is a part of AI. It’s how computers learn from data without being directly programmed. They look at lots of information, learn patterns, and use these patterns to make guesses or decisions in the future.

Deep Learning is a deeper part of machine learning. It uses something called neural networks, which are designed to work like human brains, to do even more complex tasks like recognizing what’s in a picture or understanding spoken words.

AI is getting better fast, thanks to new ideas and better computer parts. Things like chatbots that can chat with you or programs that can write stories are getting better because of these advances in AI, machine learning, and deep learning.

In short, AI and its parts, machine learning and deep learning, are growing areas that are changing the way we live and interact with the world. Understanding how they work helps us see how they might change things even more in the future.

Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a technology that can think and learn like humans. But using AI brings up some important questions. When AI learns from data, it can pick up biases if the data isn’t fair or balanced, because it only knows what we teach it. That’s why it’s important to carefully choose the data used to train AI, to make sure it doesn’t learn any unfair biases.

AI Governance and Regulations

Right now, there aren’t many rules about how AI should be used. As AI becomes a bigger part of products and services, companies need to be careful that their AI systems don’t unfairly treat people differently. It’s important for organizations to watch out for biases in their AI systems.

History of AI

The idea of machines that can think on their own has been around for a long time, even in ancient stories. The modern version of AI started in 1956 during a conference at Dartmouth College. Since then, AI has grown a lot, especially in the last ten years with the development of generative AI. This new kind of AI can create new things, like texts or images, by itself.

AI Tools and Services

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and services are getting better and smarter really fast. This includes things like chatbots, which are programs that can talk to you. Some of the cool new things in AI are Transformers, which help computers understand language, and AI cloud services, where AI can work over the internet.

One of the best new developments is something called Generative Pretrained Transformers, or GPTs for short. These are used in chat apps to make conversations with AI feel more like talking to a real person.

AI is a big and interesting area that keeps growing and changing. By learning how AI works, we can see how much it can do to change our lives and the world.



Alex J

Chat GPT enthusiast and expert, blending the art of conversation with cutting-edge AI. .