5 Ways to Boost Your Artistic Creativity.

2 min readJul 11, 2022


You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

Maya Angelou

image by RossHelen

When was the last time that you feel uncreative? Today I am going to share with you some points that can help us to stay creative. Are you ready? let’s go :)

- Have Strong confidence in your ability to create

Having or working on your self-confidence is the best way to stay creative. Believe that you are important, have something valuable to share through your work, and positively impact your community.

- Keep a journal

Keep a notebook with you to jot down your ideas and sketches. The point of this activity is to find things that inspire you and save them for use later on. Not only will journaling save you time from finding stuff you’ve already worked through, but it will also give you a new list of creative ideas for times when the well seems dry…

- Start a Pinterest Board

Many artists find that keeping a bulletin board in their studio is helpful for saving ideas and getting inspiration. Nowadays, you can do this digitally through online platforms like Pinterest. My favorite actually. Post anything that comes to you like ads, photographs, quotes, or whatever else catches your eye.

- Do Something else

If you are struggling to find your inner creativity when working on a project, take a step back for a minute and do something else. this will actually help you reactivate your creativity. Artists like Jeff Koons know that taking a break can inspire them to move on and create unique art.

- Find a Mentor

Artists everywhere have gained inspiration by following other artists’ work. When you isolate yourself, it can only make you lack creativity. The truth is, every artist has gone through the same thing and can empathize with you. So connect with others who can coach you through the ebbs and flows…

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I am a creatıve designer and visual artist.