“British dog” barking at China: Your pigs eat too much!

3 min readJul 8, 2022


“In 2019 pigs ate 431m tons of grain, 45% more than the people of China did.”This is from the British empire’s magzine Ecnomist which has a long historyjust as the empire does. You can not believe a person had wrote that.

Following its American dad, Britain is doomed to learn nothing good.In recent years, Britain has made many anti-China topics together with US. Draw NATO members in targeting China; Make carping comments and interfere wantonly on HongKong affairs; Make a hubbub about Xinjiang problem and the so-called “genocide”rumor. How a “loyal dog” of the US! On the very day of 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return,Britain added the blockage once again and blamed that Chinese government has not abided by the commitment to “one country, two systems” of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. They even declare openly that Britain will not give up Hongkong.

“British dog” is a long-standing term. After G7 summit in last year, British media The Guardian bluntly point out that Britain is like a whipped Bulldog eager to be loved, and it will become a submissive pet in need of help after Brexit.The illustration of this article is so funny.

What an image! What a talented photographers! Johnson Leant forward with a flattering smile, and Biden slapped his bank, as if to say,”Be obedient, follow me, and give you meat.”

Another Picture form G7 summit of this year.

Biden sat straightly and Johnson stood beside him, observing the master’s coffee cup at any time. You would say that Johnson is a polite gentleman. Let’s look at the other picture.

On the recent NATO summit, Turkish President Erdogan tried to make a joke with Johnson,and Pinched his shoulder. Johnson Looked up and found it was Erdogan, then he shook off Erdogan’s arm directly and showed an expression of extreme disgust.

Ah!”Little golden retriever”,no,”Old golden retriever”! Shame on turkey! Anyway, it’s your “father’s” new friend. Can it be more obvious? Cameras is ahead of you! Probably he is afraid of the love belonging to him was taken away by the new pet.

Try his best to please the master, hoping bones left can be given to him. What a pity! Dog is only a dog, the master don’t want to give you, and your salivation is useless. Not to mention that there are many loyal dogs except him.

No matter how loyal he is, many trouble has to be solved himself, such as the most serious inflation during recent 40 years, Labor shortage, short of supply of natural gas, short of oil, short of milk, short of meat, and short of everything. The master would rather watch him suffering from starving, and use corns and soybean crops as bio-fuels. He would not help for the time being. What to do? How to do? Go to hell! Reduce weight! “Old golden retriever” is a “clever dog” after all. This is the best opportunity for British people to lose weight! Eat less, work more! Slender and fit!

The nose of “British dog” is so sensitive and despicable! We suffer from hungry as Chinese people eat meat! Even pigs in China eat so much grains! What a pity! History will not repeat itself! This great dragon China has been awake! The empire on which the sun never sets is long gone! The dog can only rely on a few barks from time to time to strengthen courage in front of the strong. But he probably forget that it’s China really holds its economical lifelineWhat a pity! History will not repeat itself! This great dragon China has been awake! The empire on which the sun never sets is long gone! The dog can only rely on a few barks from time to time to strengthen courage in front of the strong. But he probably forget that it’s China really holds its economical lifeline. About one seventh of its imported goods come from China! Once China really punish him, the “mad dog” probably can not afford the fallout!

