Meet the team: Karin Veri

4 min readDec 26, 2022


Meet the Team: Interview with Karin Veri!

Please keep reading to learn about how Karin spends her time at Paysenger. Also — don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments!

Hi Karin! Please tell us about your role at Paysenger.

Hi, my name is Karin!

I am responsible for our partnerships and events team. It is a team of three at the moment. We are responsible for various partnerships with NGOs, brands, and influencers.

Also, a big chunk of our work is partner relations — we establish contact with potential partners. We attend events with investors and help our C-level management pitch Paysenger to VCs and investors online and offline.

What should you pay attention to when participating in a huge event or expo exhibition?

The most crucial part of any event preparation is the period before the event itself. Some events are massive, such as Token 2049, which had over 100,000 attendees, so it is impossible to contact all interested VCs and potential partners.

Finding people you want to meet, talk to, and network with is complicated. The most important part is to look at the website before the event and check for speakers and attendees. Check if there is, for example, an app that allows you to network at some conferences.

You can reach out to other attendees and filter out the people you want to meet. You can find the right person on LinkedIn and reach out to them.

As for speakers, you check who the speakers are on the event’s website and put them on a list.

Find their contacts, reach out to them, and offer them to meet at the conference. Usually, our team does that, and we end up with 10 to 20 meetings back to back every day at a conference. It saves you a lot of time this way.

At a conference, it is essential to know what you’re doing and your goals because there is a lot of noise, especially if it’s a massive conference. That’s why you must be strategic about what you want to achieve at the event.

Please tell us about the most critical web3 events you and your team visited.

One of the most important events we participated in was World Blockchain Summit, Dubai, which Paysenger co-hosted in March 2022.

Another one that I can mention is Token 2049 in Singapore, which we visited in September. It was myself, our CEO Stan and co-founder Paul.

The event was massive, and it was my first time in Singapore. It was like a breath of fresh air. So in Singapore, it was nice to be submerged in a new environment to meet new people from different parts of the world.

There are a lot of conferences that we still need to attend, but it is definitely in the plans for next year. So be on the lookout for us at some of the most significant events, at least for now. We hope to be at NFC New York and Lisbon’s Web Summit.

Tell us about the Paysenger Event team.

Right now, we have three people on the team, including myself. Recently, another team member joined us. We’re responsible for Partnerships as well. So we have Viktoria, who’s accountable for our networking, connecting, partnering up with NGOs, and arranging our LinkedIn and Twitter events bi-weekly or organizing these events.

We also have Rin. She is our LinkedIn master, responsible for everything that has to be done with LinkedIn networking. For example, if I’m ever in a conference in panic mode, I message Rin, “please, I need to meet this person,” and she finds them on LinkedIn, and voila, we have a booked meeting.

And then we have another team member joining us soon. Next year the new member is going to be responsible for Brand Partnerships.

How does your team affect the project’s success?

Our job is serious and very important to the project’s success.

Our department’s responsibilities so far have been investor relations. We are focusing more on Partnerships, Brand Partnerships, and NGOs. We’re excited to deliver on our plans.

What do you like about your work?

The team!

I love my team; they’re a unique and fantastic group of professionals. I like everyone who works at Paysenger.

Everyone is determined and creative, and I have no doubts about anything. This is the team that is going to bring the product to success. I also love how free we are and how much freedom there is at Paysenger that allows me to work wherever I want.

I plan my day as I see fit; generally, I get to be myself and have my ideas come to life. Being listened to is very important!

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Best regards,

Team Paysenger

