How (not) to bake

Erica Graham
2 min readMar 29, 2018
©2018 Erica Graham

Anyone who knows me realizes I have a very special skill. I can take any recipe, regardless of how “no-fail” it claims to be, and completely screw it up. Over the years people have asked me, “how in the world did you manage that?” Well, after all this time, I have decided to open the vault and share my secrets.

  1. Skim the recipe.

Recipes can be long and boring. Don’t hesitate to skim through and pick out “the important parts”. The ones that tell you to grease the pan first and whip the eggs before adding them to the batter aren’t really that important anyway.

2. Ingredients can be added in any order.

Don’t worry about which ingredients to add when. Just go down the list and add them as you measure. It all gets mixed together in the end anyway, right?

3. Most ingredients are interchangeable.

Suddenly, you realize you don’t have an ingredient that a recipe calls for. No worries, just find an ingredient that sounds similar. Baking soda and baking powder are practically the same thing.

4. Light versus dark pans don’t matter.

All those notes about how long to bake something based on the color of the pan are simply tedious. Just pick whichever is easiest for you.



Erica Graham

Speech-language pathologist, award-winning children’s author, photographer, and tea lover.