Power Conditioning Units for Solar Power Units

3 min readDec 27, 2016

As the demand for energy increases, the people find that depending on a single energy source such as the power grid is not enough. They want more alternatives and this has led to the mushrooming of solar power installations. And yet, one needs to keep switching the power source from the main line to the subsidiary power line and back.

Choose pure sine wave for your solar PCU

If you have more than one source of power, you can use a Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) to regulate it. You can tap into the regular power source and add any number of subsidiary sources and get a pure sine wave output. Places like Delhi, Muzaffarnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Nainital, and Dehradun are using more natural resources such as solar power. That is why, if you want solar PCU suppliers Udham Singh Nagar, there are plenty of choices.

Parts of the PCU

The basic use of a PCU is to check loads, solar power output, and battery voltage. In a solar PCU, you need many integral units such as:

1. Solar panel assembly

2. Inverter

3. Charger unit connected to the grid

4. Control Algorithm

5. Battery bank

6. Output selector mechanism

Solar panel assembly

This consists of a set of solar panels working to give the power to the battery set. You can do this either by directly connecting to the battery or using an electronic conversion unit. There is a drop-in power across the switching element in the first type. Hence, the voltage compensates for this as well.

In the second method, since the panel voltage is not dependent on the battery voltage, it continues to work at peak voltage always. This way one can cut the use of panels for power unless needed. However, here the costs are more and so only large institutions will go for this.

To buy online solar PCU Udham Singh Nagar offers many shops. Choose one according to your user need or go by cost. Using a solar PCU helps you lead a life without interruptions.


Everything in the solar power installation depends on the inverter. Here DC voltage is changed to AC voltage for use in refrigerators and television sets. If the voltage is low, one uses a transformer for conversion to high voltage. However, of late the use of SMPS or the Switched Mode Power Supply has changed the mode of operations. First, you convert the DC voltage to high DC voltage and then it undergoes conversion to AC voltage.

Grid Charger

This charges the battery from the power grid when the power from the solar panel is not enough.

Control Algorithm

This is the mechanism that selects the source of charging and maintains the set priorities.

Battery bank

This stores the power generated by the panels.

Output selector mechanism

This helps to move the appliances to the power grid once the system uses a certain amount of the stored energy. You can use this in places where the grid power is always available.

One big advantage of the pure sine wave output for solar power is that it is free from distortion. So much so, the line is much cleaner than the regular power supply one normally gets. For this reason, one normally chooses this option over others when they set up the solar assembly.




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