Ehall Pass
1 min readMar 11, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Login Methods

Are you tired of the hassle of managing hall passes in your school? Look no further than eHallPass — the ultimate solution designed to simplify access for both students and staff. In this guide, we’ll explore the various login methods available, ensuring seamless integration and user convenience.

Google Login Method:

Visit the eHallPass website and click on “Login.”

Choose the “Sign in with Google” option or directly click “Sign In.”

Input your Google credentials and click “Next.”

Grant permission for eHallPass to access your Google account.

Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your personalized eHallPass homepage.

Clever Application Login:

Access the e-HallPass login page and select “Log In.”

Opt for the “eHallPass Clever Application” option.

Enter your Clever username and password.

Authorize eHallPass to access your Clever account.

Enjoy seamless access to your eHallPass dashboard.

Office 365 Login Method:

Navigate to the e-HallPass login page and click “Log In.”

Choose the “Office 365” login option.

Enter your Office 365 email and password.

Grant permission for eHallPass to access your Office 365 account.

Access your eHallPass dashboard for efficient management.

By utilizing these streamlined login methods, you can effortlessly access your eHallPass account, ensuring efficient hall pass management and improved school operations. Whether you prefer Google, Clever, or Office 365 credentials, eHallPass offers a user-friendly experience tailored to meet your needs.

Make the switch to eHallPass today and experience the convenience of modern hall pass management firsthand! Visit our website at to learn more.