Ehb Teng
1 min readApr 27, 2015


Alison — We appreciate your point of view regarding our recent article about our West Africa hackathon. We invite you to read the full series where we pay complete tribute to the participants, mentors, partners, and winners of the event. It may give you a more comprehensive insight into our perspective and opinion. You can start with Part 2 of 6 here:

We hope that after taking a read through the entire series you will see that it is our mission to facilitate opportunities and the tools for all people to empower themselves and chase their entrepreneurial dreams, along with seek the guidance and assistance to do so. We answered a call to action from the people of West Africa, just as we have answered the same call from others in the international community. To great success. Hack For Big Choices is a team of people from various and diverse ethnicities who have experienced the similar struggles of entrepreneurship. We view our position, not as saviors, but as partners in a globally interconnected world.

We also invite you to share your experience at the hackathon. Feel free to email me at:

Ehb Teng (Asian, Non-White Author)

