#77 Optimize Ember Templates

Emad Ibrahim
1 min readSep 15, 2016


I have to admit that it never crossed my mind to optimize my ember app by changing how I create my templates until I read this article.

Here is just one simple example from the article:

If you rewrite:

<p class=”instructions1">{{instructionsOne}}</p>
{{#if instructionsTwo}}
<p class=”instructions2">{{instructionsTwo}}</p>

like this:

<p class=”instructions1">{{instructionsOne}}</p>
<p class=”instructions2 {{unless instructionsTwo ‘hide’}}”>{{instructionsTwo}}</p>

Your app size goes from 3.8kb to 1.2kb — WOW!!! Multiply that by the number of if statements in your templates and you can see the benefit. Pretty cool!!!

Originally published at Ember Daily Tips.



Emad Ibrahim

Husband, Father of Twins, Published Author, Entrepreneur, Passionate Technologist, Programmer and Productivity Nut. more at https://about.me/eibrahim