The Last Kumite: A Homage to 80s Action and Martial Arts Cinema

A Retro Fan’s Dedication Turns Dream into Reality

🌀 Marko Eickholt 🌀


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Alright, I admit it: this article might not immediately captivate every woman, because the film we’re talking about here is more likely to make men’s hearts race. But hey, who knows? Maybe there’s a hidden fan of hardcore action and martial arts classics in you too!

Let’s be honest: today’s cinemas are full of Marvel heroes and bombastic CGI effects. Sometimes, though, we just crave something different. Something that takes us back to the days of video rental stores and VHS tapes. This is where “The Last Kumite” comes into play. This film is like a loving letter to all the tough, sweaty martial arts films of the 80s that we adore. If you remember the endless fight scenes and unmistakable training montages of “Bloodsport” or “Kickboxer,” then you’re in the right place.

Shan David, the creative mind behind this project, turned his passion for the genre into a mission. He wanted to create a film that captures the spirit of these classics and makes it accessible to a modern audience. And he succeeded! But it wasn’t easy. Shan had to pour his heart and soul into this project and overcome many challenges. Despite this, “The Last Kumite” now proudly stands ready to take you back to the glorious days of video…



🌀 Marko Eickholt 🌀

Expert in Self-Improvement, Personal Growth & Law of Attraction. Sharing tips for a fulfilling life journey.