How to Optimize Performance with Spring Data JPA

Eidan Khan
Published in
7 min readApr 19, 2023


Spring Data JPA is a powerful tool for working with databases in Java applications. It provides an easy-to-use and flexible interface for querying and persisting data, and it can significantly simplify your data access layer. However, as with any tool, it’s important to use Spring Data JPA properly in order to get the best performance and efficiency.

In this article, we’ll explore some tips and best practices for optimizing performance with Spring Data JPA. We’ll start by discussing some common performance issues that can arise when working with Spring Data JPA, and then we’ll provide some real-world examples of how to address these issues. By following these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of Spring Data JPA and ensure that your applications run smoothly and efficiently.

1. Avoid N+1 Selects Problem

The N+1 selects problem is a common performance issue in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tools such as Spring Data JPA. It occurs when an application queries a database with a single query to retrieve an entity, but then issues additional queries to retrieve associated entities for each result returned by the original query. This can result in a large number of SQL queries being executed, which can have a significant impact on the application’s performance.

To illustrate this problem, let’s consider an example where we have two entities, Author and Book, with a one-to-many relationship. Each author can have multiple books, and each book can have only one author. Here's what the Author entity might look like:

And here’s what the Book entity might look like:

Now, let’s say we want to retrieve all the authors and their associated books. We might write a query like this:

List<Author> authors = authorRepository.findAll();

This will generate a single SQL query that retrieves all the authors from the database. However, if we then access the books property of each Author object, Spring Data JPA will issue a separate SQL query to retrieve the books for that author. This can lead to an N+1 selects problem, where N is the number of authors returned by the original query.

To avoid this problem, we can use a technique called “eager fetching” to retrieve the associated entities in a single query. We can do this by using the @ManyToOne and @OneToMany annotations to specify the relationship between the entities, and then using the fetch attribute to indicate that we want to eagerly fetch the associated entities. Here's an example:

With this configuration, when we query for Author entities, Spring Data JPA will automatically join the Book entities in a single SQL query, rather than issuing additional queries for each author.

In addition to using eager fetching, we can also use other techniques such as batch fetching, entity graphs, and custom queries to optimize performance and avoid N+1 selects problems.

2. Use Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique that delays the loading of an object or data until the point at which it is needed. In other words, instead of loading all the data at once, lazy loading loads only the required data when it is requested. This can save a lot of time and resources by reducing the amount of unnecessary data that is loaded into memory.

Spring Data JPA supports lazy loading through the use of proxy objects. A proxy object is a stand-in for the actual object that is only loaded when a method is called on it. This allows you to retrieve data more efficiently by only loading the necessary data.

Let’s take an example to better understand how lazy loading can improve the performance of a Spring Boot application. Consider the following two entities:

With this change, the Customer object will not be loaded until the getCustomer() method is called on the Order object. This can significantly improve the performance of our application, especially if we have many Order objects that are associated with the same Customer object.

In conclusion, lazy loading is a powerful technique that can help optimize the performance of a Spring Boot application. By only loading the necessary data, we can reduce the amount of unnecessary data that is loaded into memory, leading to faster and more efficient code.

3. Use Caching

Caching is a technique used to store frequently used data in memory so that it can be accessed more quickly. This can significantly reduce the number of database queries and improve the performance of your application. Spring Data JPA provides built-in support for caching using popular caching frameworks such as Ehcache, Hazelcast, Infinispan, Redis, and others.

Here are some examples of how caching can be used to optimize the performance of a Spring Data JPA application:

Caching a Single Entity

Suppose you have an application that frequently retrieves a single entity by its ID. You can cache the entity to reduce the number of database queries. Here’s an example of how to cache a single entity using the @Cacheable annotation:

In the above example, the getBookById() method is annotated with @Cacheable, which specifies that the result should be cached. The key parameter is used to specify the cache key, which is based on the id parameter.

Caching Query Results

Suppose you have an application that frequently executes the same query with the same parameters. You can cache the query results to reduce the number of database queries. Here’s an example of how to cache query results using the @Cacheable annotation:

In the above example, the getBooksByAuthorId() method is annotated with @Cacheable, which specifies that the query results should be cached. The key parameter is used to specify the cache key, which is based on the authorId parameter.

Evicting the Cache

Suppose you have an application that frequently updates the data in the database. You need to ensure that the cache is cleared so that the updated data is retrieved from the database. Here’s an example of how to evict the cache using the @CacheEvict annotation:

4. Use Paging and Sorting

Paging and sorting are techniques used to limit the number of results returned by a query and sort them based on specific criteria. In Spring Data JPA, these techniques are implemented using the Pageable interface, which allows you to specify the page size, the sorting criteria, and the page number.

To use paging and sorting in Spring Data JPA, you need to first define a Pageable object, which contains the page size, the sorting criteria, and the page number. Here's an example:

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize,;

In this example, pageNumber is the current page number, pageSize is the number of results to return per page, and sortBy is the field to sort by in descending order.

Once you have a Pageable object, you can use it to query the database and get a page of results. Here's an example of using paging and sorting to get a page of results from a Product repository:

public Page<Product> findProducts(String keyword, Pageable pageable) {
return productRepository.findByNameContainingIgnoreCase(keyword, pageable);

In this example, the findByNameContainingIgnoreCase method is used to search for products by name, and the pageable parameter is used to specify the page size, the sorting criteria, and the page number.

Using paging and sorting can greatly improve the performance of your Spring Data JPA application, especially when dealing with large datasets. By limiting the number of results returned by a query and sorting them based on specific criteria, you can reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed and returned by the database, resulting in faster response times and improved performance.


When using Spring Data JPA to interact with a database, it’s important to optimize performance to ensure efficient use of resources and faster response times. There are several techniques that can be used to achieve this:

  1. Avoid N+1 Selects Problem: This technique involves using join fetch and batch size to minimize the number of queries sent to the database. By fetching related entities in a single query instead of multiple queries, we can avoid the N+1 selects problem and improve performance.
  2. Use Lazy Loading: By using lazy loading, we can delay the loading of related entities until they are actually needed, reducing the amount of data that needs to be retrieved from the database.
  3. Use Caching: Caching involves storing frequently accessed data in memory to avoid repeated trips to the database. Spring provides several caching solutions that can be used to improve performance.
  4. Use Paging and Sorting: By using pagination and sorting, we can limit the amount of data that needs to be retrieved from the database, improving response times.

Thank you for reading this article on optimizing performance with Spring Data JPA. I hope you found these techniques helpful for improving the performance of your Spring Boot applications.

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Eidan Khan

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