Behind the Scenes at CES with Asia’s Experiential Marketing Agency.

9 min readJan 5, 2024


CES Las Vegas covention center west hall entrance with big windows

At the opening of the new year, the world-famous IT trade show, CES, kicks off across the city of the Las Vegas. Top brands from across the globe such as Google, Amazon, Sony, and Samsung take part in this notable event, vividly showcasing the upcoming future.

Our company, Eidetic, could’t miss out on CES. After Christmas, the entire team packed their bags and boarded a flight to Vegas. With CES coming to an end, we also planned to host a company trip locally, adding to the excitement of the project along with the thrill of an overseas trip. Despite the fatigue accumulated from the time difference, we gathered in the vibrant heart of Vegas for the 2023 countdown. The Vegas streets were blocked by police, as well as people dressed in flashy outfits and rabbit headbands, waiting for the New Year. Rain started to fall just 20 minutes before the countdown, but nobody left their spot, and no one used umbrellas. It seemed like people truly knew what it meant to surrender to the music. In the midst of the downpour, we, too, embraced the rain while enjoying the music.

3 ! 2! 1! Happy New Year!

A colleague who always smiled shyly was now thrusting both hands into the air, dancing. Another colleague, usually quiet and focused, raising their voice, shouting, “Happy New Year!” with a determined look. The sight of an unfamiliar colleague bobbing their head to the music was cute, and everyone, allowing for a bit of madness, shared that moment together. During this moment, worries about work were set aside, and we all laughed heartily with our eyes and mouths open wide, wishing everyone happiness. So, it began.

Fireworks and crowded people on the street around hotels in Las Vegas

Navigating the Unique Dynamics of U.S. Trade Shows.

Trade shows in the United States differ significantly from those in Europe and Asia. One major factor is that all material handling must go through union labor, even for setting up a single TV. For this reason, you have to pay much more to exhibit in the USA compared to exhibiting in other countries. US trade shows also require drayage fees, charges imposed based on the weight (kg) of materials and items brought in and out of the exhibition hall.

When planning international exhibitions, it’s crucial to consider various situations conforming to exhibition regulations and procedures, rather than focusing solely on showcasing impressive results. No one is granted privileges, so practical design takes precedence over extravagant design.

This year, we took charge of planning and operating the CES exhibition and related events for the Posco Group. Although the actual event only lasted four days, preparation began five months in advance. The most crucial part involves about seven days of on-site work for booth production and rehearsal following months of planning and design.

People working to prepare constructing booth for CES conventions in the hall
CES Site

Heroes of the Rehearsal

The exhibition site is akin to a battlefield where everything must proceed without delay.

As opening day approached, unforeseen disruptions in the scheduled progress tripped us up. Our CEO, who had maintained silence, suddenly stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and suggested tackling issues that could lead to delays one by one. Among them, graphic work was both time-sensitive and labor-intensive. Each of us pitched in for the graphic installation. The advice from the local team leader that patience and stamina are essential for U.S. exhibitions became acutely apparent and the work continued until dawn. We busied ourselves with tasks like lighting installation, furniture arrangement, and cable management, each person contributing to their assigned position. Napping in a corner and sipping coffee, were necessary for smooth completion of this project.

People assemble parts of the booth and gray hoodie guy sleeping sitting on the chair

The cube-shaped main LED was installed over an extended period. We produced the content displayed by the LED, and upon implementing the 3D visuals on-site, we found that some adjustments were needed for finer details. In the midst of the night, the design team leader Kimmi on-site in Las Vegas and the video team in Seoul collaborated across time zones to finalize the video. The LED presentation exceeded POSCO’s expectations. Additional requests emerged, such as adding motion to the video to enhance the sense of presence. Kimmi dedicated her spirit to improving the video quality within the limited time, burning through the midnight oil until the day before the exhibition opened.

Posco LED screen text for CES convention
Rehearsal of Kimmi’s soul-infused LED Video

While Kimmi poured her soul into her work, we secretly prepared a surprise birthday party. Hearing our team leader mention that her birthday was on January 2nd and she had spent many birthdays on-site touched our hearts. Worried that Kimmi might spend her birthday without a cake, we quietly arranged one for her.

The birthday celebrant, Kimmi, was diligently focused on her tasks, and we lit candles on the cake without her noticing. Cautiously and confidently, we moved around, fearing that we might be caught by the exhibition hall manager.

In the midst of a sooty exhibition hall filled with metal and wood material, the echoes of the birthday song filled the air. Despite the busy scene that was no different from any other day, it was heartwarming to celebrate Kimmi’s birthday together. The night became a special one as we lit the birthday candles and saw her joyful expression.

Cake and candles for Kimmi, she looks shy
Happy birthday to Kimmi

We don’t just work.

Even amidst the challenging work on-site, what replenishes creativity and energy is a comfortable place to rest along with new cultural experiences. The Venetian Hotel in the heart of Las Vegas sprawls high, offering proximity to the exhibition halls. With canals reminiscent of Venice, dazzling chandeliers, exquisite ceiling paintings, slot machines, casino chips, a bustling shopping mall, and every form of entertainment, the hotel had it all. It was a joy to stay at this extravagant scene. While overseas workshops alone would be something to be proud of, staying in a luxury hotel is something that never fails to bring smiles.

The Venetian Hotel view and room picture
The Venetian Hotel

If sinking into a warm and spacious bed for a good night’s sleep is considered restful recovery, experiential recovery involves savoring delicious food and fully enjoying the culture of the place.

In Las Vegas, there are three major buffets and three major shows. Among the three major buffets, we headed to Wicked Spoon at The Cosmopolitan Hotel. The sophisticated atmosphere and visually stunning desserts were mouthwatering. We indulged in plates filled with warm beef, dim sum, and crab legs. Amid the lively chatter of diverse ethnicities, the joy of savoring the food was truly delightful!

When we came to Las Vegas, following the CEO’s recommendation, we all went to see the Ka show, and it lived up to the hype with many people cheering. The moment we entered, captivated by its extraordinary scale, we continuously pressed the camera shutter. There were many directorial elements that inspired us, planners of offline events. Discussing the performance with colleagues, our professional tendencies became evident. Our thoughts were mostly similar. Watching the multidimensional rotating stage, bursts of flames, and the use of water and sand as staging elements, we couldn’t help but relate it to what we do.

Our CEO has always emphasized to employees, “Travel and experience as much as possible.” Whether tasting good food for depth, staying in quality accommodations for value or experiencing various cultures for inspiration, the depth of our experiences correlates directly with the breadth of our thinking. After all, around 80% of what we do in planning relies on our accumulated experiences.

Experiencing the must-dos in Vegas, we had a spiritually enriching time of recovery.

Wicked Spoon & Ka Show in the concert hall
Wicked Spoon & Ka Show

The Workshop Swallowed by COVID

As CES unfolded, the world’s news was flooded with CES-related stories, and our POSCO exhibition was success. On the last day, leaving the exhibition hall, I felt the familiar mix of relief and a tinge of regret. My colleague Kay, who had played a major role in operating the booth, seemed to release all tension as she slumped down, waiting for the car. Honestly, I rarely saw her sitting anywhere, and she looked quite unwell. Colleagues expressed concern for Kay, reassuring her that it was all over now, and she should just enjoy Vegas. For us, there were still five days of the trip ahead. Upon reaching the hotel and unpacking, a photo popped up on the messenger group chat.

The Covid self-diagnosis kit showed two clear lines. It was Kay.

Covid Test 2 lines

Kay was immediately put into isolation, and considering the possibility of colleagues who had spent a week together being infected, Amy, the team leader of the SO (Strategy Operation) team, actively sought out self-diagnosis kits and medicine. Leaving medicine and food outside the hotel room door where Kay was staying, everyone hoped to see her appear with a cheerful smile like before.

After two days, Mila, who had shared the same room as Kay, also tested positive for COVID. Indeed, there were no exemptions with COVID.

The atmosphere became serious. Just the day before, in Las Vegas, time flowed relentlessly. We had plans to visit the Antelope Canyon and ride amusement park attractions at the view deck of the Strat Hotel. However, those plans crumbled without a trace. Even Kimmi, experiencing symptoms of food poisoning, couldn’t move due to stomach pain.

Although the exhibition project had ended, it felt like the war had come back. The SO(Strategy Operations) team, like a supply unit, roamed around Las Vegas, providing medicine, kits, food, and necessary supplies for the ailing colleagues. Being there, I felt like I was part of a war effort.

As they say, more people have died from the pandemic than from bullets. Another case of COVID emerged.

Are we.. going to be okay?

Generals do not abandon their soldiers.

On the day to return to Korea, three COVID patients and one person suffering from food poisoning were lethargically packing their belongings. The CEO originally had plans to go to LA but decided to change the flight to Incheon, realizing that he needed to take care of the sick employees. In times of crisis like this, a true leader will not leave his soldiers and go elsewhere. A great leader doesn’t just shout war cries from the front but stays until the end, ensuring the survival of the soldiers even in the rear. The CEO stayed until the very end, loading the luggage of the soldiers returning to their homeland into the taxi and bidding them farewell.

The Uninvited Guest Returns

This time, the coronavirus had visited colleagues who had never experienced the virus before. Despite having already suffered from, the virus twice, I thought that perhaps COVID would spare me as it came and went. But alas, upon returning to Korea, I received a positive notification.

My third encounter with COVID brought resignation and acceptance. Just as one cannot avoid getting wet when caught in the rain, the fear diminishes when one already knows the mortality rate of COVID for oneself. Fortunately, COVID passed relatively lightly, as if it too had a conscience.

2 people taking pictures in front of POSCO CES booth
A woman tries something on her phone in the POSCO CES booth

Reflecting back on my business trip to the United States, I realize there were challenging times. The process of executing the project was not easy, and there were moments when we all felt exhausted and on edge due to the impact of COVID. Despite such situations, there were colleagues who provided support and a leader who lightened the atmosphere, making it burdenless.

Participating in a global exhibition broadened my perspective, and experiencing the expansion of IT technology through the senses motivated me in our work. I feel fortunate to have had this experience, working around the clock with our reliable allies, the CEO, and talented colleagues in the industry. Watching how my colleagues work, their strategies and attitudes, and learning from them, I have gained memories that we can laugh and reminisce about over drinks in the future.

I’m really looking forward to that will happened at CES 2024!

Oh, maybe it’s time to plan another workshop soon?

See the work :

