
3 min readDec 5, 2023


I have never had a better start to a day: woke up only to sleep in for another 15mins (only got up because I was too pissed off by my own hayfever to go back to sleep).

Decided to go to the gym (spent a solid 20mins before I realised I will have to leave for work).

Had a really good run on my way to work. I’d usually freak out, thinking I’d be late, but traffic was flowing really well and I was making most of the lights.

I had 20 minutes before my shift started and I was only 5mins away from work. The oil light blinked so did the coolant light, but that has become accustomed to my car experience. I thought nothing much of it until the temperature light came on.

“That’s not too good” I thought.

Then the temperature light turned red.

“Oh sh*t that really can’t be good… but I’m not that far from work so I should be ok”

I get ready to drive off when MY CAR SH*TS ITSELF.

Fun. I’m gonna be late.

I start to freak out a bit, but I’m too annoyed to properly freak out. Why was I so annoyed you don’t ask?

Well not because I was gonna be late, but because I JUST GOT MY CAR BACK FROM THE MECHANIC YESTERDAY SO WTF?!

I pull off to the side (when my car actually decides to roll its way over to the side) — did I forget to mention that it broke down in the middle of an intersection with a truck behind me?

I pop the hood and let the engine cool down. I ring my dad, complaining that the mechanic didn’t quite fix it and that I don’t have any coolant. He tells me to pour some water in where the coolant goes and all I had was my half full water bottle — whatever works I guess.

I pour the water in, let the engine cool off a bit more then close the hood. As I am going over to the driver’s side, a cop car pulls up behind me.

I. Nearly. Sh*t. My. Pants.

I thought he was gonna tell me I illegally pulled over and am gonna have to move only for me to turn to him in tears saying “I can’t. My car is broken”.

But instead of me having a mental breakdown, he just asks if I’m alright and need any help. I say I’m fine and he heads off (actually made me feel better that he asked — genuinely brightened my mood a bit).

I go down the road (near my work). Pick up 2 bottles of coolant, fill up my car and head to work (used nearly an entire bottle).

My dad rocks up to my work to inform me that all the coolant I had put in my car this morning is now on the ground of the carpark.

How wonderful.

He calls roadside assistance, gets my car towed to the mechanic and drives me home at the end of my shift.

Moral of the story: my car is f**ked.

Anyway, make sure to check your car has enough coolant in it so it doesn’t sh*t itself in the middle of an intersection like mine did (twice)

Stay safe :D




writer with an active imagination (and love for music)