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Love is Blind.

1 min readJun 18, 2024

Love is blind.

It is often used as a quote to project backhanded compliments toward couples who aren’t physically blessed with their appearance.

Well, it is.. not (just) that.

Love is blind. It keeps your sight blocked from seeing the red flags.

It keeps your heart from being brave to finally leave the restaurant, even though you are not served anymore.

It keeps your mind shut whenever he does it again, but there’s a little faint voice saying, “Here it goes again.”

It keeps your eyes from seeing all the misdemeanor you keep on denying to people who sees it for who he really is.

It keeps your mouth stapled from saying things that might upset him even if it upsets you first.

For me, it is used as a quote to justify an attribute that should not be considered to go on, go through a relationship.

It’s blind. Love is blind…

Not for the beauty of their faces, but for the absence of love in sight.

