EimoladAMA. Eimolad & InfintySwap1. Please tell us about you, your name, position in the project, your credentials, etc., so that we can introduce you.Apr 15, 20231Apr 15, 20231
EimoladAttributes of the characters of the Eimolad WorldGame combat mechanics are related to the attributes of characters and mobs. The level and equipment of a character directly affects the…Jan 12, 2023Jan 12, 2023
EimoladEconomy of EimoladIn any MMORPG, the economy is an important component. Especially in Play&Earn games. Players should be rewarded for their activity and…Nov 2, 20221Nov 2, 20221
EimoladAttributes of the Eimolad ArmorIn any MMORPG, the attributes of weapons and equipment are the basis of the game. It is very important to achieve a balance of power so…Mar 31, 2022Mar 31, 2022
EimoladAttributes of the Eimolad WeaponIn any MMORPG, the attributes of weapons and equipment are the basis of the game. It is very important to achieve a balance of power so…Mar 27, 2022Mar 27, 2022
EimoladThe rarity, uniqueness, and value of NFT today and tomorrow.n6bj5-ryaaa-aaaan-qaaqq-caiFeb 24, 20222Feb 24, 20222