World of Eimolad

3 min readDec 13, 2021


The world of Eimolad is a fantasy world populated by races of humans, orcs, dwarves, elves and many other fabulous creatures. This is the world where the elements of Fire, Water, Wind and Earth magic are constantly raging. Here the Gods weave their plots, demons try to escape from the abyss. They’ve been caged in and the fragile peace is being continuously interrupted by internecine wars.

Here in this merciless land, from time to time, the strangest alliances are made in order to deal with various challenges of the world. Unique sets of each race belonging to different races increase the level of social interaction, the usefulness of joint war campaigns and of trade activity.

Orc tribes settle in the North. They are undemanding and strong, yet dull for not acknowledging the importance of progress. Old-timers say that it is because the blood of demons, the children of pure evil, that runs in their veins. Orcs are the least socially adapted Creatures. Their actions are very inconsistent. In the heat of an argument, an orc can easily kill his colleague or even a fellow tribesman. Their shamans call to chaos and cast all kinds of destructive spells upon the heads of their enemies. Once they smell blood, they get furious and fall into rage which increases the speed and power of their attacks.

The western foothills are inhabited by dwarves, a hardworking and skillful race. Their ancient chronicles keep the location of rare earth elements that are so important for manufacturing weapons, gear and all sorts of sophisticated devices. Their mines are located higher up in the mountains and it is constantly busy. Their workshops always buzz with manufacturing an order coming from a wandering elf or some other daredevil who is going on a long and dangerous journey. Dwarves, despite being short, are incredibly strong and also well-protected by armor, thanks to the superior gear they produce.

Humans, once the weakest yet the most ruthless creatures, have conquered most of the Great Eimolad by using their talent on mischief and art of treachery. They have taken sovereignty of the secret knowledge by deceit and have gathered their power in the central part of the country. They are incredibly gifted in using sneaky tricks that helps them hit an enemy in his most vulnerable spots causing critical damage even to a superior opponent.. Humans control the main transit routes between the locations of the Great Eimolad. As a result they have the control of income and enormous power.

Elves, the first-born race, are the descendants of the Goddess Ierel. They have a close connection with nature and all the magical elements. Moreover, elves are extremely skilled at making all kinds of miraculous potions while also being incredibly fast and dexterous. Their bards appeal to nature and to the Gods which encourage their warriors and to sustain their life force. The elves’ unparalleled supremacy and domination have gone down to flames the moment their main Artifact got lost. An insidious princess from the human race deceived the Elf King by using his arrogant pride and stole the Artifact. Afterwards, humans destroyed it. through this they discovered the secret knowledge which causes the current imbalance of the world and set the dark forces free. So elves, as a noble race, couldn’t stand this humiliation and by covering themselves with the Wind magic, escaped into the southern fertile lands.

