Some souvenirs form Taiwan’s Palace Museum

3 min readNov 28, 2022


[écouter en lisant] 羅大佑 — 戀曲1990

It always makes sense when somebody claims that the National Palace Museum in Taipei is a must-visit for every Taiwanese people. As a matter of fact, though, I had never been there until this summer, as I live in the southern part of the island and I seldom visit Taipei before high school.

Nevertheless, I’ve noticed that souvenirs from this museum are very characteristic of the eastern culture, and are very suitable as presents not only for friends but also in international exchange activities. The museum also hosts a quite-famous Facebook page to introduce their products in an interesting manner.

As my family drove all the way north to help my sister move into the dorm at the end of summer vacation, we also got a chance to hang around Taipei as tourists. Thanks to this, I eventually made it to visit the National Palace Museum, and of course, I picked up some souvenirs that I discovered right during my visit. I will make some brief introductions of them below.

Packaging — front
Packaging — back
We sometimes call what we have bought “war trophies” in Chinese.

Mini Magnet: Jadeite Cabbage

翠玉白菜小景磁鐵 NT$200 (US$6.5)

A lovely fridge magnet which can also stand as a display itself. The Jadeite Cabbage is one of unofficial “3 treasures”, on which a very wide variety of products are based. We can even see a particular section of “Jade cabbage” within the best-sellers on the shop’s official site.

On the background of this magnet is a paint of Qiu Ying (仇英 桐陰晝靜圖, Ming Dynasty) and a poem made for it.


神來一把尺-漢子 NT$100 (US$3.2)

The National Palace Museum Shop is famous for its affordable stationeries. With some fun words from emperors of Qing Dynasty, many like to buy them to family members or friends as a blessing.


On the ruler writes the first three sentences above by Kangxi Emperor, meaning “I am such man, such disposition, such an emperor.”


Maps of Taiwan

臺灣地圖(經摺裝) NT$380 (US$12.3)

I am one of the many “geographers,” who participated in the local geography olympiad qualifiers exam and camp during high school. Therefore, it was a huge surprise when I see this ancient map in the bookstore. And it is amazing to have a bookstore inside the museum as well.

This map basically features the western part of Taiwan, about which Chinese people knew more.

Map of Taiwan
The style of this book of map is the Orihon
Zuoying, where I live, used to be the political center of the greater Kaohsiung area
Pages stuck together when I first opened the map



董姿彦 — 戀曲1990
[click on the Spotify logo]




