Einstein OneSixty
1 min readJun 2, 2016


First of all I question why the animal had to be killed? What ever happened to tranquilizer darts? Has this zoo never heard of them? As a parent myself I can say with certainty that there is no way in hell we can watch our kids every second and the little buggers are fast when they want to be. Sure there is the question of what mom was doing when her boy climbed over the fence but the fact remains it was an accident plain and simple and when you get down to it the only blame is on the zoo for not providing the proper separation between the pens and the visitors and this is the perfect example to prove that!

It is easy to set behind the computer or the TV and pass a verdict on who is to blame but the truth is none of us have the right to an opinion because we was not there! So the assholes that want to preach to everyone that the mom is a bad person is for one thing either an over bearing dick of a parent because they dont let their kids do anything, or they dont even have kids. Leave the story where it is and stop assuming you are somehow the all seeing and know WTF happened!

