5 reasons why you buy BRETT tokens

3 min readApr 17, 2018


The pain in the brick and mortar stores is overwhelming. First, the overwhelming time it takes to open a brick and mortarstore. Secondly, The lack of e-commerce tools such as interactive indexes and customer analytics. Thirdly, the old method of keeping products on the shelf reduces participation and blurs the brand image.

EiraCube is developing a solution to the problem in the brick and mortarbusiness today.

Here are five reasons why you should buy EiraCube tokens

1. Serve offline customers: EiraCube provides full automation through robots. The robots help to reduce laborcosts. The use of robots ensures that the level of service remains consistent. EiraCube also provides customers with service starting at 1 product ona shelf. This model destroys the old model of listing products on a shelf. Customers will beable to make better choices without beingoverloaded with many choices from different brands. EiraCube servesas a one-stopsolution for the launching of products at the best shopping centersaround the world. Each sale space is customizedtoeach seller’s brand. EiraCube also allows sellers and merchants to collect sales data such as the measurement of customer’s participation, data-drivendecision support, andthermal sensors. Also, EiraCube business model had made it easier for online shoppers and customers to make purchases. Customers do nothave to get bored at the shopping mall; because all the stores offer the same experience to them over and over again.

2. Serves online merchants: EiraCube was developed by retailers to solve the pain points that retailers face. The model was designed to address the pain point of the business model. First, EiraCube reduces marketing time. EiraCube does notwaste merchant’s time on useless marketing evaluation to determine if their sales goal is feasible or not. Their benefits are consistent with every merchant. They serve everyone equally. It cost nothing to upload a product prototype on their store and get real feedback from customers. EiraCube triggers merchant’s products in the face of the customers when they interact with the products. They do this by displacing merchant’s ad contents to the customers even after purchase. They display the merchant’s ads through interactive impressions such as customers experience.

3. Morden technology to the brick and mortarstores: EiraCube have decided to bring innovation to all the major retailers. They havebrought modern technology solutions to the offline retail business model. They have a block equipped with over 60 different sensors to give customers the amount of data they can handle. For instance, a camera is installed in each retail store to collect customer’s shopping centerdata. The camera connects to a 3D computer that shows products interest according to the gender, age and emotion for each product. EiraCube solutions provide customers with real-time relevant data to satisfy customer’s interest

4. Online shopping point for vendors: EiraCube eliminates the problem that vendors face on customers canceledorders. Typically, when a buyer returns an order, the vendor has to bear the cost of the shipping and still refund 100% of the customer’s money. More so, if a customer’s damages productson the shelf when touching it, the vendor must bear the lossesif the customer abandons the product. EiraCube reduces shipping cost for merchants and increasestheir profits.

5. EiraCube allows individuals to launch and market the product on the same day: you do nothave to wait for several weeks or months to sign a contract with each store owner before you can display your product on their shelf.

In conclusion, EiraCube is the first European start-up developed on the Blockchain technology that provides business solutions. EiraCube employs robots instead of sales personals. EiraCube is the next big thing in the retail industry. So, what are you waiting for to buy BRETT tokens today!




The world’s first robo-powered pop-up retail chain.