Global Digital Single Market (DSM)

2 min readApr 13, 2018


Within Europe, the EU wishes to encourage the Digital Single Market as one of its 10 Political Priorities, by removing issues like geo-blocking and making access to markets easier to achieve. Globally, retailers are struggling with the new online shopping paradigm, as consumers continue to migrate to online shopping, with its convenience, wider choice, no pressure shopping and easy access to reviews and comparisons. Meantime, online retailers face the challenge of consumers unable to try on/try out goods, or to talk to shop assistants about options, returns etc. nor can they bring the goods home with them immediately after purchase. Specifically designed to seamlessly marry the convenience and efficiency of automated online shopping with the immediacy, experience and reassurance of shopping ‘in person’, EiraCube addresses and overcomes these challenges, while making the DSM goal of the EU of cross border digital and other trade simpler, more visible and more cost effective for merchants.

EiraCube is simple to set up and its robotics technologies bring other significant benefits to businesses. Test marketing for stores or products is made more accessible regardless of scale: ease of set up, and minimal staffing requirements means stores or products can now be easily test-marketed — in multiple locations and in different countries if necessary — with minimal outlay. Marketing messages can also be easily tested for effectiveness through online and digital displays and messaging to consumers.




The world’s first robo-powered pop-up retail chain.