How will robotization of retail stores influence the labor market

1 min readFeb 28, 2018


Some researchers suspect that robots will do 45 percent of production tasks in the USA by 2025.

One of the reasons for the rapid labor automation is cheapening of robotics.

Improving the technology of machine learning, voice and face recognition leads to the fact that robots begin to replace people. It takes place even in the professions that need interaction with customers.

Japan is the leader of the world robotization of labor. 1520 robots work for every 10 000 employees at the Japanese car factories. This is 23 times more than the world average mark.

Another leader in this sphere is China. It has been the main buyer of robots in the world market for the last two years. The country creates a quarter of the world demanding for them.

Economists warn: robotization can change the global economy in a radical way.




The world’s first robo-powered pop-up retail chain.