Eirene Donohue
1 min readNov 30, 2016


Hi Amy,

I want to assure you that I did not intentionally or unintentionally plagiarize from Amy Ferris. I had never read her story, in fact had never even read a story on medium before I started looking into where I could publish this essay. Which I actually wrote on November 10th just as a message to my sisters. The moment happened exactly as described in the piece, the movement from I’m with her to I am her, hitting me with such force that I literally broke into sobs while driving. I don’t think I, or Amy, are the first people to make that connection. So many of us identify with Hillary and as I have learned from the many amazing responses to this piece, her loss has affected us all on a very deep emotional level. My words and ideas and emotions, while my own, are not unique. As a writer though, I take plagiarism very seriously and so I appreciate your concern and I will reach out to Amy to assure her that this wasn’t the case.


Eirene Donohue



Eirene Donohue

Writer, fighter, mother, lover. Collector of all things wicked awesome.