Knowledge Isn’t Power. For True Success Here’s What You Need To Know

Eitan Levy
2 min readMay 23, 2022


It’s always been drummed into us that knowledge is power, read, learn, take courses, you name it, but it’s only worth something if you use it. If knowledge was power, why aren’t professors and teachers millionaires? It has little to do with knowledge itself: there must also exist some other factor at play and I have a very good idea of what it is.

Knowledge is just the start, how to actually be successful
Knowledge is just the start. How to actually be successful?

The true power lies within those who take action. Without doing anything with all this intelligence nothing will come from such vast stores of information inside our heads.

Knowledge can be a curse, it takes time to learn and absorb new information, never mind remember it. We spend so much time, money, and energy acquiring it that we end up overwhelmed which paralyzes most from taking any action, the learning is merely the first step to where knowledge can take you.

Often we’re praised by peers for learning something new, but if you don’t then use that to better yourself and your future, you may as well not have bothered.

Knowledge is power, but it doesn’t always have to be in your mind.

So what do you do?

Successful people take the leap before they’re ready, they go with knowledge gaps and solve along the way.

Think of it like a “potential power” it relies on direction and organization. So, learn enough to be able to direct towards your desired result, you learn as you go and use it right away, then if you notice knowledge gaps, hire to plug that hole.

Let’s say for a moment that knowledge is power, great but it doesn’t always have to be in your mind. Chances are if you’re not a developer, you’d hire one you wouldn’t take a crash course on Python. You’d simply direct the knowledge to get the job done. You have a vision, a person more knowledgeable on the creation of that vision creates it and you take it and move forwards with it.

Knowledge can be a powerful tool, but it’s the way you use that knowledge that truly matters, realize sometimes we don’t know everything and even though this may seem like an imperfection in our intelligence or personality, there are still ways around these pitfalls by building or learning from work done before yours was ever-present.

Don’t feel paralyzed because you don’t have all the knowledge, nor expect yourself to learn everything. You need bite-size information to know what you don’t know to be able to fill the gaps and create something that can set you up for future success.

