Exploring the Enduring Magic of Tamagotchis and the DIY Innovations of Adult Players

Eliza Fury
Women in Technology
3 min readJul 12, 2023


If you were alive in the 1990s, you undoubtedly remember the Tamagotchi craze that took the world by storm! These adorable virtual pets captured our hearts, caused classroom chaos, and were eventually banned from schools. It was an era of digital revolution where the concept of a virtual pet was mind-blowing.

Photo by COSMOH LOVE on Unsplash

I can still feel the weight of responsibility I had for my virtual pet. I had a pixelated companion that relied on me for everything. Feeding, playing, and helping it find love became integral to my daily routine. I even risked getting in trouble by sneaking it into my school backpack to ensure my little buddy wouldn’t meet a virtual disaster. The excitement of each new Tamagotchi version release was irresistible, and I happily welcomed a new pocket-sized creature into my life.

But guess what? The Tamagotchi magic didn’t fade away! It lives on through adult players who have built upon their childhood nostalgia. One of the funniest creations I’ve stumbled upon is a Tamagotchi explicitly designed for adults by MTN GODS. This version embraces having a pet that enjoys a good drink. Yes, you didn’t misread that! You will have the joy of caring for a Tamagotchi that’s on the edge of having one too many, and you’ll need to give it some tender loving care to keep it in tip-top…

