Making Beats with Ole Miss Alum Tyler Butler

Emily Sturino
Oct 3, 2023


Photos and Captions by Emily Sturino

The story of Tyler Butlers decision to not take the normal route as a post college student. Instead following his hobby and passion. Tyler just graduated from the university in the spring had goals to be a physical therapist. Instead he took the path of music, which is is own therapy and stayed in Oxford, Mississippi.

Tyler Butler was born in Jackson, Mississippi but grew up in Atlanta, Georiga and Madison Mississippi. Came to Ole Miss to save money and got offered “many academic scholarships”.
Writers block is a real thing. Tyler lets himself just live. “Life is my inspiration, I let myself live for 2 to 3 days then a spark will happen. Thats why I always make sure I have a bag with a pen and paper”
Music is therapy to some and for Tyler. He has always loved and connected his life threw some artists lyrics and creations like Mac Miller, Drake, and J. Cole. “ There was a time in my life where people just didn’t understand me and my life, listening to their music made me feel understood”
Here is Tyler first song book, which is his old notebook. Sometimes life hits you in the face, that is what happened to Tyler. He realized a year ago music was not only what he loved but needed to be his path.
The normal path of life is too pushed down our throats as college students. Tyler felt that this was “now or never” due to his passion and knowing music was the only thing that was consistent thing in his life. He is enjoying life now performing and making music.

