Mutable Mode

Ewa Krajewska
4 min readSep 6, 2019


Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. They follow the fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio) and are related to the termination phase when we feel that a given situation is no longer good for us. In this case you have to make changes, improve something and correct it in order to adapt to changing conditions. If further developing a certain project doesn’t make sense any longer, you have to end it.

The individuals with predominant mutable mode often change their occupation during their lifetime or have several different jobs at the same time because they are constantly looking for a profession that will give them not only money, but also happiness and fulfilment. Their minds are full of new ideas, so they want to put them into practice immediately, that’s why they abandon the projects started earlier, because they can’t wait to begin something else. These people are never satisfied with the result of their work, so they want to improve and change something. They have an extraordinary ability to notice errors quickly and they correct them immediately. The natives with strong mutable mode need to have a good plan before they act. Nevertheless, they change it constantly, even while working on it because they realise that they can still improve something. Sometimes they are obsessed with perfectionism which drives them crazy. They are very curious so they love to learn new things. They believe the best things will to come to them someday in the future, e.g. even if they are in a happy relationship, they still think that this is not the right person and the biggest love of their lives will come later. They have difficulties with dealing with their present problems, because they are already resolving the ones from the future. Usually they are very busy and have no time. They are true masters of doing everything in the last minute, which is why they are great in jobs where high resistance to stress is needed. Sometimes these people seem very chaotic, but surprisingly, they can overcome this chaos as they are multitasking, so doing several activities at the same time doesn’t cause them any trouble. These individuals cannot stand boredom nor stagnation. They love changes, because they open the door for the better future. They prefer to take over projects from others, improve them and make necessary changes, but if nothing can be done, they will soon finish the case and start working on something completely different. A large amount of mutable mode is responsible for great creativity and the ability to repair broken things which makes these natives the specialists in endless renovations. It’s because they always want to improve the space around them and make it more beautiful or harmonious. They often change furniture, wall colour, electronic devices or household equipment. If they don’t feel comfortable in some place e.g. a house, a town or a country, they move somewhere else without any regret because they can adapt well to the new conditions and situations.

When the mutable mode is missing in the natal chart, then the natives don’t like changes because they are afraid of losing what they have. They prefer to remain in the present situation, even if it’s harmful, e.g. they don’t want to end a toxic relationship nor quit a poorly paid job. Such people have no idea how to improve the quality of their lives, so they should use the services of different advisors who show them a range of new opportunities. The lack or shortage of the mutable mode shows that the individuals don’t look for information that could help them. They don’t like analysing anything nor making plans for the future, because they don’t believe that a change would resolve their problems. Sometimes they fall into inertia, cut themselves off from the world and hope that everything will happen without their active participation. Instead of dealing with their problems, they prefer to have peace of mind. If the mutable mode is missing in the natal chart, it’s worth staying among people or meeting friends who will inspire for change and push these individuals in the right direction.

How to calculate the amount of each element in your natal chart?

The amount of modes and elements is determined by the positions of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac but some planets have more influence on the amount of modes and elements than others. It’s easy to count how much of each mode or element we have in our chart. The most important components of our chart which give the biggest amount of the certain element or mode are the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant. You can give 5 points for each of them. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are also important, so you can give 3 points for each of that planet. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are less important, so you give only one point for each of them. Then you count all the points for each mode and element. If your score is from 0 to 5 points, that means that this element or mode is missing in your chart. If your score is from 6 to 10 points then you have a good balance of that particular element or mode. If your score is above 11, you have an excess of some element or mode.

