anistsnWho are the Taliban, what is happening in Afghanistan?

Ekansh sangwan
3 min readSep 16, 2021


The siege of the capital, Kabul, is only 11 km away, while all countries try to repatriate their citizens, military, and local collaborators who have worked for them for years.


The War in Afghanistan continues to be an international protagonist. The Taliban have positioned themselves to the north, west, and south of the limits of Kabul, the capital, marking the siege on almost the entire perimeter of the city and with almost all the neighboring provinces under their control.

“The Taliban fighters captured the Chahar Asyab district and already crossed into the city of Kabul,” a security official from the Chahar Asyab district told Efe, on condition of anonymity. This district is only 11 kilometers south of the city. 11 km that separate the total war again while the forces that invaded the country for years try by all means to evacuate your workers, be they civilians, diplomats or military, and even local personnel who have worked for them for years.

“There will be no attack on the city”

A “peaceful transfer of power” to a transitional government will take place in Afghanistan, where the Taliban are taking control of the country, Afghan Interior Minister Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal said on Sunday.

“Afghans need not worry … There will be no attack on the city” Kabul, Mirzakwal said in a video. “ There will be a peaceful transfer of power to a transitional government, “ he added. However, no one trusts these statements and the tension is really intense with every passing minute. In fact, the United States has asked the Afghan government to give it more time to be able to bring all its personnel back to its country.

Afghanistan Taliban


The population fears reprisals from the Taliban for women and children. HEDAYATULLAH AMID (EFE)

Who are the Taliban

The Taliban is a group that was born in the mid-20th century in Pakistan as a movement of ultra-conservative Islamist students. They have been the cradle of Al Qaeda, the Islamic State. At present, the Taliban of Afghanistan is constituted as an assembly emirate in which the ‘sharia’, the Islamic law prevails. The last time they ruled, they eliminated all the rights of women and girls and public executions returned.

1979 is the origin of everything. When the Soviet Union, at the height of the Cold War, decided to invade the country, placing a communist government in Kabul. The United States decides to intervene in the country and confront the former USSR in unknown lands, which is why it helped, armed, taught, and armed and armed the Taliban.

2001, the other great key date. The 9/11 attack in New York and Washington, orchestrated from Afghanistan by Al Qaeda, then led by Osama Bin Laden, caused the United States to declare war on the country, although its enemy was not only in Afghanistan and time has shown that This armed conflict only made the local and international situation worse.

Divided country: Afghanistan is what is called a failed state. Right now there are two governments: the national one, in Kabul, the capital, and other provinces, where 11 million people live, and that of the Taliban, where the so-called insurgents control most of the country’s territory, especially rural areas. and they have about 13 million people under their command. And between these two areas, the “war zone”, where 9 million people live, although the consequences of the armed conflict are felt throughout the country, and neighbors, such as Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and even Europe, where citizens of all kinds try to flee with their children and families to avoid war.


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