Teenage wonders

Ekansh Khabya
2 min readDec 28, 2022


Something random I clicked.

I’m a teenager, and these are my high time of being one. I feel weird and confused all the time and it’s just ordinary to be so. It’s the golden time of discovering new things and making them a part of your life. I have realized that this is the age where you are simply just curious or just too overwhelmed with things around you. You realize a lot during this time, it feels like you are surrounded with information both necessary and unnecessary. I know it’s tough or very tough sometimes. You are packed with thoughts and emotions all the time. You seem to have a lot at the same time and it’s not enough at the same time. You would also pretend to not care about something, but you would care about it at the same time. It’s when you seem to lose the fear of nights, you rather enjoy the time after midnight.

Everybody, everywhere, everything is happening at the same time, same pace and you don’t want to miss anything and if you do so then it’s the end of the world supposedly. I mean think about it, it’s the first time you experience things that are for the “adults”. Basically, you just discover a lot lot of new stuff. Some that you are not allowed with and some very common and basic. It’s also the first time when you try to create your own personality, you develop taste for things, you develop your “type”. You would make changes in your life in order to look different from others or should I say be a better kind of yourself.

It’s just different, it’s neither adulthood nor childhood, it’s the worst of both worlds. You wouldn’t want to act like a child but also wouldn’t take responsibilities like adults. Things are just not painless anymore. People now start expecting things from you and the meter of expectations rises with age. You seem to grow a thought of not being a “disappointment”.

