The Philography Connection - Episode I

Ekansh Srivastva
3 min readJul 2, 2019


A note on Photography and philosophy — ish connection.

Not Art and science serve alone, Patience must in the work be shown.
-Goethe(and thanks to Google translation for being this much absurd)

So it's been a long time since I have written anything here and now, I think I should start once again — don't worry if you have seen similar lines in previous stories that’s just me :P. I think writing on things that I observe everywhere- People, Organisations, Technology, Art: Especially Art and trying to find that art connection and connecting them back would be a great way for me to perfectly release and realise all the things that continuously revolves and rotates and performs 84 backflips throughout my day.

So today lets try an art elaboration today.

Every photograph tells a story.

So although technically, I’ve been quite busy these days and I don't see(and don't want to see) any day of no work day, I’m still managing to find some minutes looking around, talking to people, phubbing Instagram for some minutes — favourite part when you can see your old nostalgic(technically, 1 month old) city — Varanasi. I’ve been very fortunate and grateful for being around people with so much passion and inclination for photography and motions. As mentioned above, after coming back from the karma bhumi, I decided to phub over Instagram for a while and here comes the photograph of today:

Should I stay or should I go? By Zeeshan Mohammed

One thing that first came into my mind was the layers of contrasts that was just trying to transpire from the picture- one at a time. Just look at the picture and you’ll see a huge time or thinking(or certainly both of them) Zeeshan would have given to the framing and timing for the picture. The colours and their transitions along with the details are just fabulous. Let’s try to understand the story behind the photograph using these layers.

The different layers or you can call it — Choices:

The different subject placements — one still sleeping in the shadows enjoying the comfort he had been recieving at this part of the ghats and the one continuing on his journey in the hot sunny morning in Varanasi both depicts almost similar men looking at their outfits but with different mindsets. The different layers: The motion and stillness, The lights and the shadows, The colour and how the picture fades far away. I think the mood that this picture is trying to convey is the choices the photographer has in front of him — similar to what anyone would feel when he/she is up to a new journey or chapter in his/her life. The boat also produces a sense of ‘Voyage’ type journey in front of the photographer that he is about to get into. The Boats, the People in the boat and on the other side, the sleeping man and the one who is on his journey, clearly shows different people at different stages of their voyage of life and looking at all this, the photographer asks the question — Should I Stay or Should I go? Beautiful!

Well, this is the ultra-short version I managed to write tonight.

Let me know in the comments what you think I should improve on and what shall I focus more on to make the coming stories of the stories better.
Till then, M A H A D E V _/\_

