Why do you need to keep a habits tracker? And how to do it? +ready trackers.

Ekaterina Zubarik
2 min readMay 16, 2019

In General, recently I learned what is the tracker of habits. I saw him at one of my favorite bloggers. I liked the idea of a habits tracker so much that I also decided to make my own tracker, my own design and start to fill in a form it. It’s only been a week, and I can already boast of the result. So, let’s look at what brings such a useful tracker of habits, and why you should be guided it?

  • Tracker forces you every day to view those plans, those habits on which you would like to work. I think that this daily review of your plans allows you to quickly accomplish them and more effectively. You do not forget about the plans, they are constantly in front of your eyes.
  • When you note that you have fulfilled your plan for today — it increases your motivation. I see that all habits for today are made, it calms and gives a push forward you.

How to lead a habits tracker?

It’s simple. I will leave you photos, links to download the tracker. You can print it out and fill it out. Or you can make your own design, draw to yourself. For the tracker need to draw a two columns on sheet of A4 paper. Leave in the left side less space than in the right one. On the left you will write the habits that you want to realize in life. To the right of them draw squares/ circles for the whole month. Total will 30/31 circle or square. Above the circles you can sign the day of the month. Just near the habits, you can write how many times a week you want to do it. For example, “training (3x in a week) if you have not completed the indicated day habit — put a cross. That’s all. Everything is simple and clear. I’ll leave the photos here as an example.

That’s all. I hope that you will also keep your tracker of habits and do not forget about your business. Thanks for reading. And yet) have a good weekend.





Ekaterina Zubarik

🌿student in Czech Republic 💣🌿I write about myself and interesting topics for me: studying English, Czech, traveling, fitness, self-development, style.