Ethan KentinPlacemakingXThe Growing Latin American Placemaking MovementPlacemakingX was launched in Lima, where more than 1000 people from 20 countries gathered to celebrate the 3rd version of Placemaking…Aug 29, 2019Aug 29, 2019
Ethan KentinPlacemakingXEl Boom del Movimiento de Placemaking en LatinoaméricaPlacemakingX fue lanzado en Lima, donde más de 1000 personas de 20 países participaron en actividades para celebrar la tercera versión del…Aug 13, 2019Aug 13, 2019
Ethan KentinPlacemakingXLeading Urban Change with People Powered Public SpacesThe History, and New Directions, of the Placemaking MovementJun 7, 2019Jun 7, 2019