MVC vs MVT; what you need to know about them

Uncle Ju
4 min readMar 10, 2023



As a developer we need to know about a lot of concepts when it comes to building a web application and it happens that MVC and MVT are one of them. So it begs the questions what is MVC & MVT and why do we need to know about them?

What is MVC & MVT ?

MVC stands for Model View Controller while MVT stands for Model View Template. They are design patterns or architectural patterns that aid developers in developing web applications. Both of them perform almost the same functions but are totally different in some ways, I will explain.

One of the key things a web application has are data, layout and logic and this design pattern help us (the developers) to achieve these key things. So let’s get a clearer understanding of what this patterns are.


As I mentioned earlier MVC stands for Model View Controllers which beaks down a software into three parts; the model, the view and the controller. All the control specific code are written out as the framework does not manage it by itself.

Models represents an object carrying data which can have logic to update the controller if its data is changed i.e it holds the data of the app. It is the central component of the architecture/ design and manages the data, logic and other constraints of the application.

Views represent the visualization of the data that the model carries i.e it deals with how the data will be displayed to the user and provides various data representation components. They are script based templating systems like JSP, ASP, PHP, and very easy to integrate with AJAX. technology.

Controller acts on both model and view. It manipulates the Model and renders the View by acting as a bridge between both of them. This is done to separate internal representation of information from the way information is presented and accepted by the user.

Advantages of MVC

  • It helps to organize the core functions of your code neatly.
  • * It’s easy to make changes to your app as you will be able to identify which code does what.
  • * It’s easy to share your code with other developers.
  • * It reduces complexity in designing web apps by keeping the code and workflow structured.
  • * It’s simple to maintain, test, debug and reuse.


Model Views Template also breaks down a software into three parts; model, views and template. These are used independently of each other.

It is also used for implementing web interfaces of the applications but in contrast to MVC, the controller part is taken care for us by the framework itself, leaving us with the template- HTML template mixed with Django Template language (DTL).

In Django the Model helps to handle the database which is a data access layer and is basically the logical structure behind the entire web application that contains the required field and behaviors of the data being stored.

The View fetches the data from a model used to execute logic and interact with the model to carry the data and render on a template. It also gives each template access to a specific data to be displayed or processes data before and after a HTTP request is made.

The Template is the component which makes MVT different from MVC. It handles the presentation of the views to the User Interface. These are HTML codes which are used to render data. It can either be static or dynamic.

Static templates are templates that are not real live project while dynamic templates are templates that are real live projects.

Similarities between MVC and MVT

  • The allow developers to change the visual part of an application and the logic part separately
  • * The web apps are structured keeping any of these three components in mind.

Differences between MVC and MVT

  • MVC has controller that drives both Model and View while MVT has Views for receiving HTTP request and returning HTTP response.
  • MVC you may consider the views to be the controllers and templates to be the views while in MVT the model work with the data, views work with the logic and template work with the layout.
  • MVC is suitable for development of large applications but not for small applications while MVT is suitable both small and large applications.


In other words for MVC the controller controls both the views and the models and gives out what the end user see in the application while with MVT the template renders the User interface because the controller is handled by the framework.


In conclusion the both perform the same duties it all depends on the framework being used at the end of the day getting stuff done is the end game.

Happy coding 😁🎉



Uncle Ju

Software developer writing about what I know, learn and still learning