Moonbeam Network: The blockchain that every big crypto project Loves.

Ekokota Samuel
6 min readOct 9, 2021


Moonbeam is a developer-oriented blockchain and smart contract platform that integrates cross-chain features which allow developers to shift their existing workloads to Moonbeam and extend their application’s reach to assets and users on several other chains.

There are infinite possibilities for all Ethereum and Polkadot-based projects and DApps through Moonbeam and as a result, many crypto projects are partnering and integrating with Moonbeam.

Currently, there is a record of 95 partnerships on the Moonbeam network and with the success of the network, more deals will be recorded soon.

Below are some of the partnerships:

  1. Seascape

Seascape is a platform that enables developers, gamers, and influencers to enter the world of de-fi and blockchain games by incentivizing game development and gaming using the play-to earn philosophy.

The project uses the Ethereum blockchain as its initial program and has several Ethereum-based games. However, they see the infinite potential of using Polkadot’s interoperable network to reach new users, which is more cost-effective and has a vision for multi-chain.

As a result, Seascape is the first among the many incentivized gaming & NFT platforms to begin development on the Polkadot and Moonbeam blockchain, considering their interoperability, speed, and scalability benefits.

The partnership between Seascape and Moonbeam will enable Seascape to send some of its existing game portfolios to the Moonbeam system. Also, there are plans to develop a Seascape game that is exclusively set on Moonbeam.

2. Balancer

Balancer is one of the top decentralized exchanges (DEXes) in the world and is AMM-based.

This DEX gives users the ability to create pools using multiple assets that can vary in weight. It supports the creation of a pool with up to 8 assets that weigh differently and can create asset portfolios for different use cases and ideas.

With its AMM feature, Balancer allows end-users control over pools that have been created in the system. It also gives users the ability to specify if created pools are public or private and to set the trading fee of the pools.

Moonbeam and Balancer joined forces to make the initial port of the Balancer protocol to Moonbeam.

With Moonbeam’s Ethereum compatibility features and as a part of Polkadot’s parachain, Balancer protocol can be easily ported to Moonbeam while leveraging on the existing codebase to have a Polkadot-based deployment.

3. Authtrail

Authtrail is a comprehensive tool that equips enterprise data with integrity and allows authorized enterprise users to check and validate its history and veracity.

The project works as an end-to-end solution for data integrity equipping and serves enterprises by helping them to leverage on blockchain technology and data management costs for the optimization of their daily operations.

Enterprises in need of protecting their data and verifying it to customers, partners, and auditors, will be able to do so easily within the readily available Authtrail platform.

Authtrail incorporates Moonbeam as its backbone and core network. With Moonbeam’s Ethereum compatibility and underlying Polkadot’s system, which is highly enterprise-oriented, there can be a seamless transition from Ethereum and it can serve the target audience of Authtrail.

Moonbeam will help Authtrail users process a large amount of data at minimal costs even with the advanced features of anchoring and hashing.

4. MyWish

MyWish is a smart contract generator that aims at providing the global crypto community with easier ways of tokenizing their ideas with the advantages of a multi-chain approach. It allows the reach to a wider range of users, ecosystems, assets, markets, etc.

MyWish has a long market presence and experience of cooperation with well-known crypto market players like Binance, Bancor, Polygon, Neo, etc., which makes it one of the leading smart contract generators.

MyWish has collaborated with Moonbeam to allow automated token creation on Moonbeam’s ecosystem where users can create and launch a token without any coding and from any browser.

5. Lido

Lido is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that is used to develop and maintain liquid staking protocols.

It is one of the leading DeFi platforms by the total value locked (TVL) and it has 86% market domination on Ethereum blockchain.

Lido has integrated Moonbeam into its system to help with their expansion to Polkadot.

Given the Ethereum compatibility smart contract features of Moonbeam, Lido uses the system to provide the cross-chain integrations and underlying parachain infrastructure which allows Lido to work with Ethereum existing code and tools to the pool market quickly. The integration will also introduce liquid staking to Moonbeam and Moonriver.

6. C.R.E.A.M Finance

C.R.E.A.M Finance is a decentralized finance lending platform with a permissionless and blockchain agnostic protocol and it exists on Ethereum, BSC, and Fantom.

This platform is one of the leading and most successful DeFi lending and borrowing protocols with over $1 billion TVL.

C.R.E.A.M Finance is in partnership with Moonbeam to help jumpstart the growth of the DeFi system on Moonriver by extending their lending and borrowing services to the system and the Polkadot community.

7. IBetYou

IBetYou is a DeFi betting and staking protocol. It uses the basic principles of betting and is powered by AAVE and MATIC.

With IBetYou, when a bet is placed, the staked amount is sent to a smart contract, tokenized, and held in escrow. The tokenized stake is then held in the interest-yielding protocols of the AAVE protocol to yield interests.

After the bet is concluded, the winning party takes the stakes and the interests are shared between the judges and the IBetYou community.

In partnership with Moonbeam, IBetYou allows Moonbeam token holders (Glimmer [GLMR] or Moonriver [MOVR] tokens) to challenge opponents and create bets.

Seeing the potential of Polkadot’s interoperable network, IBetYou is using Moonbeam to redeploy their existing Ethereum based code and to build a new user base in Polkadot’s ecosystem.

8. myNFT

myNFT is a decentralized discovery engine, creative and trading platform, and marketplace, which gives users the ability to create, trade, and discover precious assets.

myNFT is collaborating with Moonbeam as an expansion point to Polkadot. The protocol will build a bridge on Moonbeam that will allow the transfer of NFTs from Ethereum to Polkadot and this positions Moonbeam as an interconnection point for cross-chain NFTs.

9. PolkaStarter

PolkaStarter is a decentralized exchange (DEX) for cross-chain token pools and auctions. It helps projects to raise capital on a permissionless, interoperable, and decentralized network built on the Polkadot blockchain.

This protocol facilitates the transfer of smart contracts between two main blockchains — Ethereum and Polkadot.

The integration of Moonbeam on Polkastarter gives the latter an efficient way to redeploy their Solidity code and migrate the existing Ethereum code to the Polkadot ecosystem with very few changes needed.

10. AnySwap

AnySwap is a decentralized multi-chain and cross-chain swap protocol which gives blockchain networks access to several cross-chain bridge solutions.

The project has developed about 19 chains and has deployed cross-chain bridges for about 600 blockchain projects.

AnySwap’s alliance with Moonbeam has made available 18 assets on the Moonriver network, which include:

● USDCoin

● DaiStableCoin

● BUSDToken

● TetherUSD

● Ethereum

● WrappedBTC

● Binance

● Sushi

● Aave

● Chainlink

● Curve

● Synthetix

● Uniswap

● Yearn Finance

● Crust

● GeoBCoin

● SpiderDaoToken

● LaikaProtocol

Other partnerships include Dapplooker, Impossible Finance, Mars, Polkadot.js, Yuser, Wanchain, Magic Link, Figment, Bware Labs, Meter, dTrade, ChainBridge, Biconomy, MetaMask, Poolz, Staker Space, LetzBake, etc.

You can be a part of these developments and partake in the profitable potentials of the Moonbeam network.

Get more information and updates via these channels:

Twitter: @MoonbeamNetwork.

Telegram: @Moonbeam_Official,



