Mining the benefits of multiplying through Soraix

pak eko
4 min readOct 31, 2019


Interest in the business world has become a character that has dominated most of the world’s people today. How not, business today is seen as a form of guarantee from the future that someone will achieve. By doing business, a person gains confidence in what he will do tomorrow. Automatically he will think of new innovations and creativity in order to develop his business. In addition, the business also provides a very tangible form of capital development for the financial crafter. With the rise of the business that is run, it should be said that business is a must for every individual.

One reason for choosing a business as a routine for profit is because of the independence of the nature of this type of activity in the sense that every businessman is free to regulate the systematics of a business that he runs. Business as a general form of an activity undertaken, has certain types that allow it to be cultivated. As for one of the types of businesses that are currently excellent in the eyes of the world community, namely investment. This business is a form of gathering profits from the amount of capital spent where the benefits to be obtained are on a long time scale. For this reason, making investment is the main foundation for business activists to plunge into this realm.

Since the presence of blockchain technology in the midst of the world technology market has resulted in the emergence of investment platforms that carry this technology as its base, making investment a land of profit that is so fought over. This is because Blockhain technology is a cutting-edge technology that brings a variety of advantages and convenience for investment enthusiasts on the surface of the earth. The operating system used by this technology gives its users full protection and control of access to the data assets they own. In addition, this technology provides excellent operating time efficiency and a very low failure percentage on the system it runs. These things are the main attraction for investors to choose investments with this technology into something that is very worthy of use.

One of the Blockchain-powered investment platforms that is at a superior point is Soraix. This platform is an investment platform built by a team of experts who have expertise and experience that are qualified in their respective fields. One of them is Lucas Komarnicki who is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Soraix company. He is a stock broker who has years of experience in the stock and stock exchange investment industry. Besides that he is also a Negotiator at ISDA which is a trading organization with a base in New York, United States that is concentrated on all derivatives that are sold freely on the market. In addition to being managed by a scholar, the company is also located in a very strategic region, Switzerland where this country is an area that currently has the highest level of security, especially in the financial sector. With the collaboration between a reliable management and the location that is maintained makes Soraix superior in terms of its personals, not to mention the benefits that have been prepared by this platform for its users.

The profit obtained by an investor who makes a Soraix token transaction in the first week and second week of the crowfunding platform will be given a bonus of 10% of the value of a Soraix token without incurring any additional costs. One token from Soraix which is symbolized by SRX is worth 0,00025 ETH. Crowfunding from this platform that uses ICO (Initial Coin Offering) technique is planned to be conducted in the third quarter of this year. As a form of hospitality that is owned by Soraix, this platform will also provide a bonus of 5% for investors who purchase tokens from this platform in the third and fourth week.

Not only that, this platform also carries the principle of equality in value, where an investor can buy a capital token on this platform only by using an SRX token. In other words, an investor has the opportunity to get higher profits (capital tokens) by issuing lower costs (SRX tokens).

With the principle of equality in value and bonuses promoted by this platform, investors can get multiple benefits from this platform, making their investment business more optimal and providing a bright guarantee for the future. In addition to the above advantages, there are many other advantages that have been prepared by Soraix for its investors which can be traced through the official Soraix website at

Information about Soraix in the link below:




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ETH: 0x4353cDC9Db392ED8E9279Bd21Cf7B9b917488b3F

