Where To Find Love In a Big City?

5 min readSep 25, 2023

Take advantage of events to find your new love

What if I tell you that meeting new people in a big city is pretty easy?

No no no, I am not going to say there are many people in parks and streets, so you should go and approach them.

Instead, why not go to the events that are specifically designed for meeting with new people?

Imagine a place where everybody comes to meet with new people, they are open to talk and judgment is minimal. You might be surprised, but there are even events for finding your new love!

But how can you find these events? Let me show you how as an event organizer.

Photo by Alex Voulgaris on Unsplash

How To Find The Events That You Can Meet With New People?

Tip 1: Classics Are The Best

When it comes to finding universal and local events, some of the classic event apps are the best. Firstly, Meetup. It is one of the largest event apps and you can search events for almost all locations. In large cities, there are tons of events happening each day. These events are mostly organized by individuals, not by organizations.

In this app, you can filter events according to your taste, or use specific search terms. I recommend searching for meetups, international gatherings, picnics, and bar/cafe events. If it is not specified in the context, these events are usually not created for flirting/dating purposes. But, it is up to you to turn a nice conversation into a nice flirting or even future dates. Just behave well, and don’t cause problems for anybody.

Another large application that you can check is Eventbrite. In this app more than individuals, organizations like to publish their events. There can be nice events from time to time that may interest you. So you can check it out.

Tip 2: Local Apps for Local Opportunities

Meetup and Eventbrite are universal apps that you can use almost anywhere. There are also local alternatives that you may try. These applications can sometimes offer more than universal apps. Because they are preferred by locals.

To find them you may need to do a little Google Play or Appstore search. On these apps, you can type the name of the city that you are living in + events. Depending on the city that you live in there might be available apps or sometimes no apps. You can also try to expand your search for the country.

Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

Tip 3: Google Is Your Handy Assistant

When I was organizing local meetups, sometimes people were showing up that I had never seen on the sign-up list. When I asked them, where did you find this event, the answer was always the same, Google. Most of the event apps try to make their events available on Google search. So if you search for example, “Paris events”, “London meetups”, “New York international gatherings”, or “Amsterdam expat events” on Google, it is very likely that you will come across some events that you can attend.

Tip 4: Singles-Only Events For Spicing Things Up

There’s a reason why some events are marked as singles only. Even though most of them are not directly dating events, they allow singles to gather together. The environment is usually more open to flirting and finding a new partner. Because people attend these events knowing that it is just for singles and a flirting situation may occur.

I suggest this type of event for the people who are more interested in flirting and not interested in talking with people who are not in a similar mindset with them. I have seen many people coming to my regular meetup events with the mindset of flirting. But looking disappointed when other people were just interested in making friends or spending a good night talking to other people.

Tip 5: Are You Feeling Shy, Don’t Worry, There’s an Event Type For You.

Some of us may feel shy when comes to flirting. Some people may not trust their flirting skills. Some people may want to skip the small talk and may want to be more direct. In the previous types of events that I mentioned, you can never be sure if people are there to find a new possible partner. Not every single individual is open to new relationships, please remember that.

Luckily, there’s an event type that is specifically designed for singles to find new partners. This magical event is called Speed Dating. You can find detailed information about it with a Google search. Simply it is an event type that organizers match you with different people during the event. You get a chance to talk to each one of the attendees.

The best thing about speed dating is, you don’t need to worry about the other person’s intentions. Because everybody is there to find a new partner. The pressure is minimal and if the organizers are good, they try to lower the pressure as much as possible.

Photo by Jiawei Zhao on Unsplash

How to find speed dating events?

You can find speed dating events by using the methods that I mentioned above. Large apps, local apps, and Google. Do a little search about your city and most likely you will find some events. Usually, speed dating events have a fee that you need to pay to take part. But, it is worth the price, because the locations are usually very well selected, and the experience is unique.

How much do they cost? It depends on the organizer and venue. They are usually around 15–30 Euros and private ones may ask for higher amounts. Give them a try, maybe you will find your future love. Who knows?

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